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September 27, 2009 Link to this post

Fun cutscene egg
Jayshum pointed out a youtube vid from Scazza showing off a pretty cool easter egg in the Epilogue cutscene of Halo 3: ODST - if you want to see it for yourself, simply hold the analogue stick you use to turn (Default is the right stick, but Southpaw is Left) as you watch the cutscene. If it's too much work to get there again, you can watch the low-quality, filmed-off-the-screen version Jayshum linked to - or you can grab an HD version from us (9-30 mb, depending on resolution). Funny stuff! (There are other eggs being turned up - Crymson Nite noticed Trogdor the Burninator, among other things, and Devin Olsen pointed out a ReadyUpLive vid showing a Halo 2 egg that reappeared in Halo 3, and now ODST.) (Louis Wu 18:14:04 UTC)

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