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September 11, 2009 Link to this post

ODST Campaign Previews Begin
Previews based on Campaign play are starting to appear - we saw two new ones this morning. Both of them looked at the same level (NMPD HQ) - neither contains story spoilers. IGN's article (thanks, DancingJesus) summarizes how gameplay in the campaign actually works, and then discusses the level, with a focus on how gameplay is different between Halo 3 and ODST. WorthPlaying's article (Thanks, Adam) focuses more on how the level is laid out, and discusses the voice acting (and AI) of the non-player denizens of this world. (It also has a summary of the new Mythic multiplayer maps.) Go read 'em - and get psyched! ODST drops in 11 days. (Louis Wu 13:01:06 UTC)

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