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by Overswarm
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Team swords
The map doesn't really matter for this gametype, but here you go for all maps.
- Pre-emptive Strike
(Thanks for that one Bush. I might not have thought of a euphemism for "attack" if it wasn't for you!)
You do not pull the trigger when the reticule turns red. It is right BEFORE it turns red. The lock-on is actually a bit before it turns red.
- I came down, from the rafters. Like a bat!
Stay up high. When you have an aerial advantage, you have a better chance of seeing an enemy as well as a better chance of running away. I can't stress this enough. Your entire team doesn't even have to be together, they just have to all be up high.
- You scratch my back, I'll scratch off the head of the enemy trying to flank you.
Buddy up. Get up as high as you can, and then have someone stand behind you. Then you can say "Guy coming up from the front" or "Guy coming up from the back", and you guys are basically guaranteed a kill, even if one of you die. You will never be caught by surprise.
- Tag!
Sticky nades have a longer distance, and aren't as glitchy as swords. Often, if playing with a teammate I know that uses sticky nades, He'll throw a sticky nade trying to tag them; I'll throw a sticky nade a bit in front of the enemy, so both hit him, resulting in death, whether or not he is actually stuck.
- Behind the visor, they can't see the tears.
Some people could be the most excellent marksmen, but just plain suck with the sword. They're the players that kill someone without dying and go "YES!!!!"
If you are one of those players, do one of the following-
- Stick with teammates so if you die, they can do cleanup. Don't expect to live. You are fodder.
- Hide behind a corner that is heavily traveled, and wait for an enemy.
You might not like it, but it's better for the TEAM. That's what you're trying to do.
Camo...any map.
The camo isn't NEARLY as effective as it was in halo 1, but it still helps a bit; especially in certain lighting and up close
- Harder to kill, harder to die
It's harder to kill your enemy when they are invisible, and it is harder to die when you are. That means that whenever you attack, your chances to kill the enemy are lessened. When you run away, you chances to die lessen. Running away is MUCH more profitable in camo games. That means that, when in doubt, run. Your chances are better.
- Weapon changes
When you and everyone else is invisible, weapon efficiency changes. Sniping is the most prominent thing that is changed.
Advantages: The enemy cannot see you, and when you CAN see the enemy (uncloaked), it is easier to get one shot kills, sicne their shields will most likely be down.
Disadvantages: You cannot always see the enemy, and it is less likely for you to get kills through sniping.
In short, don't snipe. Weapons that require lots of accuracy aren't nearly as good when everyone is invisible. It's not a bad idea to carry it around, just in case, but don't expect it to get you a killtacular.
Tracking things, such as the sword and plasma pistol, also aren't as beneficial.
- Spray n' Pray
Grab automatic weapons. At least one SMG or plasma pistol. Then get a complimentary weapon (I prefer plasma rifle/magnum). This will greatly help you make up for the disadvantage of not being able to consistantly see your opponent.
- One way, one spray
This works best in team slayer (not really in rumble pit, you fall behind).
Have you, or your teammates, get into corners and hallways where the enemy can only come at you from ONE direction. Some people really have a hard time with seeing invisible people just walking by, and if you are one of those, do this. You will see the invisible enemy running straight at you, and then you can take them out like in a normal battle.
- Butcher line
Find places in the map where people consistently go, and let them come to you. Like the lift in Lockout, the lifts in Midship, the Carbine room in midship (watch out for explosives), etc.
Those places will be the easiest for you to rack up kills with little danger to yourself.
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