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by Overswarm
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Team Skirmish
Neutral Assault on Beaver Creek
Neutral assault is hard to win in the first place. You are assaulting THEIR base when you have one guy who is weaponless. If he dies, someone else has to be weaponless, so technically, they lose two guys if you kill that one. It can be tough. So this should help you out.
Weapon control
First thing to do is get your weapons. I'm going to list off, in order of priority, what weapons you should shoot for.
- Shotgun
- Rocket Launcher
- Plasma Pistol
- Magnum
All those weapons are good at short range, and take out an enemy quick. That's what you need. Sniping is about useless on this map with this gametype for the assaulting team, and has limited usefulness for the defenders.
Future reference: Offense is when you have bomb/flag, Defense when you don't, Neutral when both teams can access said item.
- Infiltration locations with their advantages and disadvantages
Top of base
- immediate access to the base results in quicker arming
- The entire team can enter simultaneously
- Teammates can safely wait there for others
- You can cover those going through the teleporter
- You can tell exactly how many enemies are in the base before entering
- You can weaken any enemies in the bomb room with grenades before entering
- You can change your point of entry to any of the others at last minute
- You can see the enemy coming to get you, since they have to jump to get on top of the base. (Radar)
- The enemy can see you on radar, since you have to jump to get up there, and thus will know the moment you are there
- The enemy has plenty of places to hide and could attack your team from every direction
- The enemy can hear every word you say while you are above them
- Once you are inside the base, suicidal grenades are a benefit to the defending team, and are very likely to kill you
- Stray rockets from your team, or aimed rockets from theirs, can kill your entire team easily.
- No way for you to escape if need be
- Their entire team will almost always be there, and be ready, since they know that is where you are coming.
- no worthwhile weapons or powerups on the way, save for a plasma pistol
Needler side ramp
- Easy undetected access to their base, if reached through teleporter
- Allows your team to attack from both the left and right once inside the base, trapping the enemy.
- Allows you to bypass any sniper that the defending team would have easily
- Plenty of cover in case you are actually seen
- Easy escape routes if detected early
- Dual needlers actually working when you are in that close of a space
- No powerups or weapons of much worth on the way
- In full view if someone is watching from the rocket spawn, a heavily guarded area
- If detected when in the tunnels, grenades or rockets can decimate your entire team
- if detected early inside the base, almost 100% chance of failure
- The battle starts far away from the bomb point, and they might respawn close enough to fight twice.
- Possibility of the bomb dropping away from the bomb arming location, making it very hard for you to do anything until it returns
Tunnel near creek and Main entrance
- You pass by every worthwhile weapon and the OS
- your entire team can see every enemy together, and can fire together
- it is easy to pick any of the entrances when approaching from the front, so you can change plans if need be
- Dual needlers actually working when you are in that close of a space
- In full view if someone is watching from the rocket spawn, a heavily guarded area
- If detected when in the tunnels, grenades or rockets can decimate your entire team
- if detected early inside the base, almost 100% chance of failure
- The battle starts far away from the bomb point, and they might respawn close enough to fight twice.
- Possibility of the bomb dropping away from the bomb arming location, making it very hard for you to do anything until it returns
- In full view of enemy snipers from almost every advantageous sniper spots.
- OS' preferred plan(s) of attack
Entire team crouch walks through the teleporter with as good of weaponry as possible. Bomb carrier and someone with a good weapon go to where you can jump to the roof, but do not reveal themselves.
The remaining two players then crouch walk to the needler ramp, then crouch walk inside. They then, when approaching the two ramps to reach the inside of the base, start to crouch walk up and signal to the bomb carrier and his teammate. The bomb carrier squad then jumps on top of the roof, and then breaks the glass.
Both groups then throw grenades inside (one round), and then all enter, with the bomb guy entering a moment or two after the rest. The bomb carrier arms while his teammates attack the opponent.
Why: The various points of attack make it easier for the assaulting team to focus on one enemy at a time together, and put grenades at their advantage.
The entire team gets on top of the opposing bases roof, and breaks the glass. The bomb carrier then throws the bomb inside, and then the entire team chucks grenades from various angles. They then rush in and kill the opposing team, and then pick up the bomb to arm it.
Why: Dropping the bomb causes the entire enemy team to look at that point, which is then when fire starts raining down on them. Then, it's 4 on 4, with your team having the territorial advantage.
- Defending sniper points
sniper spawn
- easily see three of the entrances for red, and three of the exits from blue base
- the needler side entrance and teleporters on red base cannot be seen, and the needler slope is a common entrance to the teleporter
- you are easily seen and avoided/killed
- you are far away from your base, and can't do anything if they are arming the bomb unless you mastered the jumps from www.jukesbox.com
top of your base
- can easily see them coming to your base directly
- can drop in to help if the enemy is arming the bomb
- your death is a signal that they are coming from the top
- lots of cover for the enemy
- very limited sniping capabilities as far as entrances go, and your role is a sniper
- easily snuck up on
- easily seen and attacked from a distance
Rocket Launcher slope
- can easily see every entrance
- have access to rocket spawn
- easy escape routes
- are easily seen
- your death means nothing except that the enemy saw you
- you are too far away from the base to help if they get inside
- this spot is far from the sniper spot
rocket launcher crevice
(Note: This is the tiny slope that faces the red base. If you sit on it and crouch, you cannot be seen from blue base.)
- can easily see every entrance to the red base
- can easily see the enemy before they see you
- easy escape routes
- simple jumps allow you to go inside the red base at astonishing speeds
- no cover for the enemy except to backtrack, once they've been seen
- near the rocket spawn
- you can't see blue base
- are easily flushed out of that location by someone running up the rock slope
- Overswarm's preference
Rocket launcher crevice. It's the most effective and most safe. While if you are on red team you can't snipe blue base, and if you are defending on blue base you can't snipe blue base, it's an excellent spot to start from, and is easily accessed after you get the sniper.
I'm going about Neutral a different way. There's three main theories that apply.
- Aggressive
This theory is the most common, and is the natural occurrence if everyone follows their instincts. Basically, everyone runs screaming and shooting to the ball, and they grab it and run to the enemy base and try to arm it.
- Defensive
Everyone immediately goes to the best defensive positions possible, and waits for the enemy. This has the advantage that everyone is ready, but the disadvantage that you lose the ability to get awesome weapons. Generally, the idea is that since there are only 3 enemies attacking you, they are practically bringing the weapons TO you, and then you get all of them, rather than scrabbling for them.
- Passive
Everyone ignores the bomb, and goes for powerups and weapons first thing, which leaves the opposing team with one guy holding the bomb, and three people holding SMGs. This works great if you are fast, the enemy is all about getting the bomb, and you can get back to your base before they arm it. It's risky though.
Try mixing and matching those 3 mentalities throughout your team, until you get a match that works for your team.
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