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Fan Fiction

Halo 2: The New Front (Chapter 5)
Posted By: System Failure<haloknight20032@aol.com>
Date: 2 April 2004, 7:19 PM

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      "Damn, that sh!t is nasty!" Kevin to no one in particular
      Tim quietly laughed to himself. He closed his eyes and drifted of to sleep. His right hand was behind his head and his left was on the grip of his SMG. Kevin laid his new Covenant rifle next to him and set his watch timer for five hours. He settled down and went to sleep.
      Loud banging woke Tim up. Light was no longer shining down the ramp, but the rainhad gotten heavier. He looked at down at his watch
      "Dag, I only got 3 hours or sleep," thought Tim.
      He shifted his gaze to Kevin, who had also been waken by the banging. Kevin had his battle rifle ready, pointing at the door. Tim pulled back the dirty release lever on his SMG. He watched the empty clip land in a puddle under his bench. Leaning over to get a fresh clip, more banging was heard.
      "What the hell is that?" asked Kevin.
      Tim shook his head and jammed a new clip into the receiver. He shouldered the weapon and aimed at the security door. Tim slowly got up and examined the door. It had lagre dents in it if something was trying to get through. The control panel was fried with the door on locked.
      "What you thinks back there," said Tim pointing at the door.
      "No clue, but we have to find out," replied Kevin as he pack up his sack. Tim walked over to his own sack and dittoed Kevin. He slung his SMG and got his Covie sniper rifle ready. Kevin packed his battle rifle in his sack. He slung his covie rifle and tightened the strap he took from his shotgun.
      "Get ready to breach," said Tim.
      Kevin splashed in the water near the door. He pressed back against the wall. Then he started to reload. Slowly trying to get ready for the battle to come. Tim took a knee and aimed the rifle at the door. He started to breathe slowly. The only sounds were Kevin reloading shell by shell, the patter of the rain outside, and the persistent banging on the other side of the door.
      "Ready?" asked Tim, Kevin nodded.
      Just as Tim was about to say take it slow, one of trip mines went off. Tim reeled around. The beating on the door got more intense. The second grenade went of throwing chunks of stone down the ramp. Deep purple blood flowed down the ramp coloring all the water.
      "Shoot the Damn door!" screamed Kevin.
      Tim turned and blew open the door. Two dozen special ops Covenant lay dead at the doorway, their blood mixing with the blood from the ramp. Behind them was a long hallway and a single door at the end. The sounds of the covenant behind them got louder. Kevin hurled himself head long into the hallway just as the final mine went off.
      "Move, move, move!" yelled Tim picking up Kevin. Dozens of Sec Ops thundered down the ramp behind them. Their guns glowing warm with energy. Tim and Kevin rushed down the hallway. They ran into the door and bounced off.
      " Crap man, were screwed!" yelled Tim as he tried to open the door.
      "Damn," whispered Kevin as he looked down the hall. Hundreds of orbs of plasma filled the hallway. The heat melted the tiles on the ceiling and floor. It was an unshakeable wall of blue, green and purple death that was closing fast. Kevin could feel the heat on his skin. He shouldered his rifle and got ready to fire.
      "Come on!" screamed Tim as he opened the door. He grabbed Kevin by the arm and jumped through the door. But the plasma was still coming.
      "Were done for," said Kevin, kneeling on the ground.
      "What the hell?" said Tim, standing up and looking back at the doorway.
      "Why aren't we dead yet?" asked Kevin as he was standing up. The plasma was still moving towards them, but at a much, much slower clip. The plasma slowly dissipated leaving trails of colored light in the pitch-black room. When it was gone the covenant at the end of the hall still could be seen.
      "This sh!t is too damn freaky," said Kevin, as he pointed his gun at the doorway. "Those covies are frozen or somthin."
      "Nah, Kevin," said Tim shaking his head. "Either they're slowed down or we're sped up 'cause they sill moving."
      "Ahhhh," yelled Kevin looking at the floor. He pointed his light and said. "Look at this."
      "This room is messed up," said Tim looking at the floor. But there was a problem. There was no floor. It was just empty space. It was if they were floating.
      "Let's get going," said Tim.
      "How?" asked Kevin. "If we go through the door the covies might speed up."
      "We'll just walk away from the door," answered Tim.
      "What about the floor?"
      "What about it?"
      "What if we stop floating?"
      "Don't worry," said Tim as he clicked on his flashlight, and hooked it to his gun. They walked forward with Kevin's light ahead of them and Tim's looking around. The room was silent and cavernous. Even the footfalls of the two Marines couldn't be heard. After two hours of walking the room seemed more and more like a cave. Suddenly the walls started to glow blue.
