
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Halo 2: The New Front (Chapter 5)'

System Failure
7:33 pm | April 4, 2004
I've decided to have a story split here. One will follow the the path of this chapter. The other will follow the path of Halo 2: The New Front (Chapter 5: Good Version)

P.S. Read the other parts of the series to make sense of each chapter.
1:50 pm | April 4, 2004
This was freaky. I still think you did okay but i say everything is okay. I look forward to your next chapter.
System Failure
11:53 am | April 3, 2004
REad the other parts of the series they are better
System Failure
11:47 am | April 3, 2004
I'm redoing that chapter I wasn't thinking that much. Went from blow crap up to some fairy tale like thing. Well Chapter 5(Good Version) will have the normal blowing stuff up and no useless diolauge
System Failure
11:04 am | April 3, 2004
“F##K this sh!t,” yelled Tim. “I’m going back to kick some a$$. You with me, B!cth?”
“Yeah I’m with you,” answered Kevin. “Lets go.”
Kevin and Tim sprinted back to the entrance. The second Tim crossed into the hallway the covenant troops came to life. Tim pulled out his gun and started hosing down the enemy soldiers.

The begining of the next chapter. You right this one sucked.
Evil Thingy
10:14 am | April 3, 2004
Re-read everything you do!
1:55 am | April 3, 2004
Oh my...
CoLd BlooDed
1:24 am | April 3, 2004
Stuntmutt reviewed?! And even he said it was crap, I'm not readin'.
Krekkoko Runato
10:55 pm | April 2, 2004
That wasn't as good as the others bu tit was still okay.
10:35 pm | April 2, 2004
wow...that was....bad. No offence, but it didn't flow well at all, and the Grammar was atrocious...

9:54 pm | April 2, 2004
dude, your head must be so far up your ass, this was crap. your a disgrace, never use Halo 2 in your titles again!
