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Fan Fiction

The Forerunner's Fate (2)
Posted By: spectre<spectre117@msn.com>
Date: 4 May 2004, 6:40 PM

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UNSC Aragona/Sol System/14:52 hrs.

      The Master Chief's heavy footsteps could be heard throughout the ship, as he quickly approached the Captain's Cabin. John was currently aboard the UNSC Aragona, one of the Fleet's newest battleships. The Aragona was a hybrid of Human and Coveneant technology, one of fifeteen newly commissioned ships. This behemouth was eguiped with four fusion reactors, which allowed this magnificent starship to make multiple pinpoint slipspace jumps, while maintaining power to weapons and shields. It was also equiped with the standard armaments of the new battleships were, six plasma laser turrets, ten shiva missile tubes, one Super MAC. cannon, and twenty-six standard Archer missile pods. The ship also had an arsenal of point-defense systems to further bolster it's magnificence. Not to mention the newly reengineered versions of the Coveneants shield and artificial gravity systems. The Aragona, having just been certified operational, the ship was relatively untested. However the crew and FleetCom all had high hopes for the entire new fleet.

      As John approached the Captain's quarters, a rather plain looking Sgt. McKenzie saluted and ushered him in. Once inside, John instantly noticed the captain's odd taste in decor. Throughout the entire 12' x 16' foot space of the room were varying pieces of destroyed Coveneant ships and small munitions, as well as elite armor and several plasma swords.

      John refocused as Captain Graham stood to greet him."Good to see you again son, we've got quite a few things to discuss,"stated Graham, as the Chief eyed him quizically through his visor."First of all, I'd like to congradulate you on a successful mission, those new rifles will go to good use."

"Thank you, sir.'

      "Now, I do have a few questions son,"finished Graham. Now John knew the Captain and he wasn't a very inquisitive man. This usually meant something about a mission was somewhat odd. The Captain was not an imposing man either, standing six foot tall, one hundred eighty pounds, with a medium build, and relatively handsome face. he did however command the respect of his crew and peers, and he always got his answers."I've taken some time to review the captured Forerunner data, and I'd like you to review it with me. I think you'll find it quite informative,"said Graham as he slid the data chip in it's slot and pressed play. The Chief stared glaringly as the images on the holo-projector came to life. Since the Chief knew the forerunne wouldn't be speakin english, he engaged his translation software and began to watch.
      "I am Ramani, Chief Science officer aboard this vessel, this is the journal created to document our research on the Flood,"stated the creature in the projection. The image changed to the scene of what had to be a research labratory, where enlarged images of microscopic infection forms dotted the walls. The Forerunner in the projection were oddly beautiful creatures. They were all between four and five meters tall, with cobalt colored skin, and strong builds. The Forerunner wrer bipeds, with faces reminiscent of hairless wolves. They all seemed to be looking through microscopes, or mixing some unknown liquids. The documentation showed that the Forerunner research went on like this for two weeks, before bringing in live subjects. It was at this point that the Captain choose to pause the recordings.
      These recordings are what I really wanted to discuss,"said Graham."Are these the same Flood encountered on Halo?"

"Yes, it seems that they are a more undeveloped species,"was John's response. Then as if reading John's mind Captain Graham resumed the recordings.

      The journal began slightly ahead of where it left off, as a rather large Forerunner warrior entered the room. Apparently it was a male specimen named, Tashano. Tashano was about five and a half meters tall, with a forboding gaze, pearl white armor, and an overwhelming number of scars covering his body. He was lead to an examination area, and given explicit instructions not to move.

      The Chief and Captain both were awed and gazedand gazed at the recording, as Tashano was shot and blasted to a near death status.Then as he lay unconscious two scientists approached this once ferocious warrior; and injected him with a pale green liquid. Following, two more rather bleak looking scientistsassisted the first in placing Tashano's limp body onto an examination table. He was then attached to several dozen biomonitors. Then the scientists began to monitor the warrior's life signs.

      For days Tashano lay unable to move, unable to speak, the scientists could never know the pain he was enduring. It was impossible for them to realize just what was really happening to Tashano. As he lay helpless on the depressingly gray table, Ramani entered and began a series of his own tests. Ramani noticed a few very curious things, the Flood infection wasn't just repairing the body, it was mutating it.......

The first few parts of the story have very little action, as they are meant to set the story for the rest of the series. -spectre-
