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Fan Fiction

The End Is Near:Part 2/2
Posted By: SpartanFortyFour<Scion-of-darkness@comcast.com>
Date: 21 March 2004, 4:36 PM

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On approaching the covenant homeworld, The UNSC's stolen vessels' slipspace generators began to give out. Luckily, they were almost in normal space. The covenant's vile planet took on the shape of a castle on one side, and a barren and desolate wasteland on the other. By the time the humans were five hundred meters away, they received a bombardment of covenant transmissions. They could not process them all, however the multitude of A.I. Aboard the stolen ships stored every message into their databases. Since the covenant were aware of them on the one side of the planet, they decided to land on the opposite side incognito. After they docked their ships, and had everyone ready, they began the excavations. Many UNSC marines were using gigantic drills, to tunnel down to the center of the planet. Even the master chief was helping.
      He would dig holes, put grenades in them, and make another hole big enough for the marines to drill. The plan was for them to dig a number of holes to the center of their planet, then once everyone was out they would put bombs at the end of the holes, then when they were all off the planet, they would hit the detonation key. The covenant had no idea what the rumbling was, but they knew someone or something was here that should not have been. They were going to find out about the marines plans soon enough, but for now it was quiet...in an enjoyable way. By the time everyone had started digging, people had already dug one quarter of the way down. The rumbling was getting louder, so the covenant sent roughly three hundred elites, jackals, and grunts to check it out. Sooner or later the marines knew the covenant would discover them, but until that time comes, they had to keep working. The covenant were so close now, that they could smell human flesh. It wasn't long now. By the time the hostile reached the excavation site, they had already finished digging, and they had placed the bombs. There was a fierce fight between the covenant, and the UNSC marines. It was death after death, if one covenant killed a marine, he was killed. If one marine killed a covenant, he was killed.
      The grunts and jackals let the elites do all the killing, but the marines went in full force with everything they had to offer. The battle was still raging when the marine holding the device used to detonate the bombs, was killed, and in the process the device was short circuited. The hope in the marines heart was lost, as plasma fire disrupted the device.. The marines entrusted the job to blow up the planet to their most faithful warriors...The Five Spartans, John(the master chief), Kelly, Fred, Will, and Linda. The covenant sent for backup, because the humans were overrunning them The marines were actually not afraid of the covenant...they were even counting their kills. But on the other hand the covenant...they were counting their dead. Then the backup came, fifty golden armored elites, equipped with plasma swords, ready for anything, stepped on to the blood riddled battlefield. The covenant were prepared to fight to the death to save their planet. The war raged on. Not until there were only ten golden elites left, the marines were getting worried. Many of the fifty five Spartans had died, or was wounded in the fierce battle. Meanwhile in the ships were the maintenance crew, working to repair the slipspace generators. The marines were holding off pretty good, until another squad of covenant arrived. Grunts, jackals, and elites, hundreds of them. There was no stopping them they would just keep coming, and coming until the marines were all gone. Soon the battle would be over, both races knew, they also knew that one of them was going to win...the covenant, for their homeworld...and the marines, for destroying the covenant. The battle was coming to a close. With no hope in site, the marines took on a rage so fierce, it would make the flood whimper.
      There was now a newfound hope in the marines eyes, they would fight to the death, and even if they did not win, their legend would live on. Slowly, the two armies were whittling away. It would not be long now. The covenant had sent for more backup, the marines knew they wouldn't survive, so they all agreed...the master chief and his Spartans would detonate the planet with them on it. The Spartans prepped the warheads, said their farewells, and jumped into the holes. The covenant came, and they set off the warheads. That set off a chain reaction, on the other side of the planet, the ground was falling apart. It was over, the covenant were destroyed, and the marines were gone. Though they were dead, everyone on earth had held an honor ceremony, for all of the brave marines who had given their life in the battle against the covenant, and the flood.
