
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'The End Is Near:Part 2/2'

12:07 am | March 29, 2004
Thanks, MadJackal, I'll keep that in mind! :D
5:51 pm | March 28, 2004
Oh, and I can see some drama in there. I was able to get an idea of valiant sacrifice out of this one, but you can still improve.
5:12 am | March 27, 2004
Since Helljumper didn't offer any sort of constructive criticism, I will. The best way I've found to learn how to write and how to improve your writing is to read the work of others. Read some good books, observe their writing styles and imitate them. Try to figure out how they describe things and imitate their level of detail. If a good book does not present itself, you can still do the same thing with some good fanfics. Find successful authors or stories that you just plain enjoyed and learn from them. Your writing will improve, trust me. I didn't learn how to write overnight. I learned from reading the works of other authors.
Keep up the writing!
12:49 pm | March 26, 2004
Second story, woops.
12:47 pm | March 26, 2004
Well i mean, its my first story, and plus, you could tell me whats wrong instead of cursing me off.
8:42 pm | March 25, 2004
Hey younging, just get angry, this ist he purpose of comments, to help you become a better writer, don't get pissed.
8:35 pm | March 24, 2004
Oh and if you dont like my writing, i have one simple solution...DONT READ IT!
8:21 pm | March 24, 2004
Dude, this is my second story cut me some slack.
7:54 pm | March 24, 2004
WTF, this was a gay story. It looks like a 5 year old wrote it. Will the noobies please stop until they get the proper training. Where are the veterns at. I mean come on now, gigantic drills, the master chief dug a hole and used grenades. What the hell is halo fanfic coming to.


First to rise last to fall
Helljumpers do it all
Feet first into hell
