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Fan Fiction

Beta Halo: Call in the Scouts
Posted By: SPARTAN 053<phil_maker@usa.com>
Date: 3 June 2003, 1:03 AM

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0800 Hours, August 32, 2552 (Military Calendar) /
Temple like Structure on Beta Halo (Ring World)

The Spartan gave the go and the marines launched tank shells and rockets at the Covenant Base. The enemy Shades, Mortar Tanks and Ghosts went in columns of fire. Sky Hawks came in and obliterated the Covenant drop ships. Suddenly, a squad of hunters fired. 5 marines fell. Somewhere, a sniper shot the creatures in their weak spots, and they fell.
"Come on!" urged Kale.
The marines ran into the destroyed encampment, and killed all the grunts. Stationary artillery and point defense guns were set up around the structure. Men ran to arm them, and then grabbed their packs and ripped into lunch.
All the sudden, an explosion, barely distinguishable, rang. A plume of fire lit up the sky, and one of the orbiting Covenant cruisers fell, hit by five MAC shells. Three support ships followed. The ship hit the ground and flung dirt into the marines, ruining their picnic.
The other orbiting cruisers went down, voluntarily. They were trying to escape. Three UNSC cruisers followed them, trying to take them down. Reinforcements have arrived. A flaming hulk of a UNSC cruiser did crash into the ring. The explosive impact created a minor earthquake. The result was the dislodging of some ground plates and the revealment of girders, and an inhuman scream.
The marines looked at each other. The covenant could now take them out with real firepower, and what was that cry?

2000 Hours, August 32, 2552 (Military Calendar) /
Temple like Structure on Beta Halo

The Spartans and some marines looked through their scopes. Kelly suddenly ran to Kale.
"Sir, Grunt en mass formation headed toward the hole!"
"Ok lets move marines, create a Warthog and tank formation to counter them. Double time!"
The marines moved off. The lines of equipment opened fire. The Grunts turned and ran toward a floating Covenant vessel, moats of light building along its hull. Plasma Torpedoes.
"Oh, shit." Whispered Kale. "Kelly, fire a--"
The plasma discharged and hit the hole, punching it deeper and wider. Another torpedo hit it and it continued to grow. After a while the whole became big enough for the cruiser to pass through.
The cruiser lowered in, and Kale sighed. The cruiser disappeared completely. A UNSC cruiser tried to follow, but it turned back, its captain seeing something down bellow. The UNSC marines fell asleep.
Kale didn't. He realized that the Covenant wanted something down there. He selected a group of Marines to use tanks to build a barrier around the hole.
The rest of the evening went without incident.

0700 Hours, August 33, 2552 (Military Calendar) /
UNSC cruiser New York on Beta Halo
Gregor stood silently on the bridge. He didn't like the reports of a Covenant cruiser going into the ring. It sounded suspicious.
"Lieutenant Kilo." He said to the navigation officer. "Give me a map of Covenant landing on the Ring."
"Yes sir."
On the screen in front of Gregor, an image of the ring appeared. Red dots showed Covenant cruisers and troops. There were over 5 billion grunts, a billion Hunters, five billion Elites, and 7 billion Jackals. The odds were overwhelming.
"Lieutenant Deckard. Send a signal to the Jupiter II base, get the largest nuke they have smack in the middle of the ring's orbit."
"Yes sir."
When they were done, Gregor would blow the ring to bits.

1800 Hours, August 33, 2552 (Military Calendar) /
Hole on Beta Halo

Kale led the battle group inside the hole. The Covenant cruiser was immobile, and there was no resistance. It was too easy, something was wrong.
They continued to march, they saw some squid like corpses, but they ignored them. Finally, they came to a wall of white rubble. The team paused and waved their flashlight beams on the obstacle. Kelly came up to touch them, and it quivered.
"It's alive." She said.
"What?" said SPARTAN 107 George, coming up to touch it too.
The wall started to move, and one of the stones popped out. It was another squid like creature, whitish, and with several tentacles, each ending in a few adhesive digits. It jumped at George's stomach, bursting through his armor and anchoring to him. He turned to the team, but he then fell, the creature worked its way inside. He stood, took his gun, and fired at them. Tentacles reaching out the back.
The team threw grenades as the wall of creatures began to collapse. Once outside the hole, they shot down the cruiser, covering the hole.
They stood there, panting. They had just come an inch from something worse then death. They collapsed and watched the sunset.
