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Halo:The Critical Strike
Posted By: Scott H.<MasterChief7765@aol.com>
Date: 6 April 2004, 3:34 AM

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Halo:The Critical Strike
Two Banshee's roar overhead,they passed over a plateau where two Covenant Elites stood.Their plasma rifles in hand,Behind them a bunker that led to into an underground Covenant Base.
"Good Hunting Brothers" The Elite said in an unknown alien tounge,He turned to meet the other Elite,Before he could speak a white streak of smoke flew from another plateau like hill as it struck the covenant in the back of the head.It sounded like seomeone coughing,The purple Covenant Blood flew to the ground as the Elite fell.The other Elite glanced around quickly as another white streak flew threw the air striking the other covenant in the chest.The covenant fell only to meet its death.
In the distance a figure stood,Its metallic armor shimmered in the bright sun.He was holding a S2-AM Sniper Rifle.He hit a small button on his metallic helmet,A message was sent to the UNSC Pelican dropship.A green light flashed on the radar screen of the Pelican dropship indacating that the dropzone was cleared.
"Roger that Chief,Saddle up boys were hot in five..." A female voice boomed over the COMM units as all he marines in the pelican ackowleged.
"Alright Marines! I want a clean drop Mendoza , Johnson i wan't that Warthog saddled and ready to go!". "SIR, YES SIR!" All the marines acknowledged.
The pelican continued flying over the many hills and plateaus only to stop in a crevice in between the two plateaus.The pelican hovered down over the crevice,It detached its Warthog.The marines dropped out of the Pelican one after another.Three marines jumped in the Warthog,A gunner,a Driver, and a Passenger.The Sarge then spoke.
"The rest of you flank around to the other side of the base we'll meet you there." They all acknowledged as the group of six marines headed off running in one direction.The Warthog then drove up a hill getting air as it went over he top.It continued down the hill kicking dirt from underneath the tires.The Earthog made a sharp right turn up another hill,Once it came to the top all the Marines saw the base.The Warthog continued down the hill as it was now hidden behind a hill just infront of the base.The group of Marines continued running passing strange beasts of Halo.But in time they made it to the other side of the base.They waited and then signaled the other Group.
The Sarge acknowleged,He then got in the gunner seat of the Warthog and said. "Mendoza , Johnson run up and start firing i'll lay down cover fire, BUT WAIT UNTIL THE OTHER SQUAD STARTS FIRING!". The second squad of marines ran up the hill two of them threw frag gernades,The frags went off and killed two grunts and severley injured an Elite.They all opened fire on the group of Covenant.The first squad heard this firing and went up the hill They opened fire and killed four Covenant two jackals, one elite and one grunt.The sarge then opened fire with he turret on the back of the Warthog.The LAGG-30 expelled bullets at an incredible rate and can keep going without overheating,Shells flew out of the side of the gun landidng to the side of the WartHog.
The rest of the covenant ran into the base hiding like cowards.The two groups of marines ran into the base following.It was fairly dark so they had to activate their lights.They all glanced around, "I dont see anything." Said Mendoza, "Me either....." McGuire continued glancing around as he said this. "There the door" Mendoza pointed,All the Marines ran up to it,They attempted to open iot but it was locked. "Johnson unlock it" Said the Sarge as he walked behind them all. "Aye,Sir" Johnson then ran up to the door and pulled out a bypass device.The door then slid open as the marines ran in and glanced around,All watching around being extra careful.
Within seconds the room was swarmed with covenants,Hunters,Elites,Jackals,grunts they all swarmed in. "Retreat!!!" Yelled the Sarge as he expelled a few rounds from his MA52B Assault Rifle. "GO GO GO!". Plasma from Coventant weapons were opened on the small group,Luckily none were injured all the Marines poore dout of the room running for the exit.Three elites stopped at the hall leading up to the exit.They opened fire the plasma shots firing some missed hitting the walls leaving a blue color on the wall and a burn mark.
The door closed heavily behind the marines,Mendoza glanced around as they all got to the side of the Base Entrance, He was breathing heavily as he said this. "Ev...Everyone ok?" "Im good" "Im ok" The marines all acknowleged but they were missing a voice. "Sarge?,Wheres Sarge? SARGE!" All the marines then ran to the base entrance The sarge was leaning against a wall by the door His hands were shaking as they were over his stomach,His hands stained with blood,Their was a blood stain on the walls around them you could see where he stood and leaned against the wall,He slid down you could see the blood skids.
"Sarge...." Mendoza kneeled down as he tried to see the wound,The Sarge coughed,He coughed up blood it ran down his face.Mendoza moved the Sarge's hands Mendoza winced as he saw the damage on the Sarge.The Sarge was clearly not going to make it.There was a massive burn on the side of his stomach but the burn was around almost a hole but, it wasnt a hole there was a part where he was shot by the plasma the part was disinagrated.The Sarge then spoke. "F....f....finish...the j...j...job....ughhhhh". His head rolled to the side as he was no longer breathing his heart beating stopped his hands stopped shaking. Mendoza closed the Sarge's eyes he then stood and held his MA52B assault rifle tightly in his hands.
"You heard the man...." "B...But Mendoza we cant go back in their it's too hot" "I know..." Mendoza pulled out his radio and colled for a LongSword strike. "This is Mendoza from the Silver Foxes Firing Squad The bas is too Hot i repeat the Base is too hot we need a longsword bomb strike Over."
"Mendoza we read you loud and cl.....MENDOZA?!" As the UNSC ship replied the sound of heavy Plasma and Bullet fire arupted in the backround"
Bullets were flying everywhere, gernades explodes, dirt flew into the air, Then out from over the hill the Metallic Figure appeared.The metallic figure walked towards the battle.The covenant then changed their targets to the Metallic Person.A shield appeared around the figure as it was shot but it kept running,It activated a beam sword as it ran at the Elites.It then thrusted the Blade through one of the covenants,The figure then slashed througha few more covenants as blod flew through the air.The figure then threw the blade at a small group it pierced a grunt.The figure then grabbed a fallen Assault Rifle and shot the sword with dead aim.
The sword grew brighter as it then erupted and exploded.A massive blue flame engulfed he remaing covenant around the Grunt.After the fire weared out and the smoke cleared all that was left were severley burnt corpses on the ground.The figure looked down to a marine in critical condition.The marine was Mendoza it looked up to the Metallica Figure he then said. "Cortana said there were one of you with us but i didnt believe her ughhh" The marine passed out from blood loss.A pelican hovered from overhead and landed.
A speacial ops team ran out of the Pelican and watched the drop zone.The Metallic figure grabbed the marine and carried him FireMan style.He walked to the pelican and set the marine down.The Spec ops tema entered the Pelican then the metalli figure said. "Punch it.." "Aye,Sir" The female Pelican pilot said as it lifted off the ground and headed off to the Pillar of Autumn.All the spec ops looked at the Metallic Figure.The metallic figure was a Spartan.He was the last of his kind.Trained for combat able to use any weapona and drive any vehicle.
Within moments two longsword bombers flew overhead and dropped bombs onto the base.The base was blown inside and out.Explosions came from underground.The Chief watched as these explosions happened.He then sat as he closed the AirLock doors,It made a sound as the Inside was now airtight and able to fly into space.The pelican headed out of Halo's orbit and headed home to the Pillar of Autumn.
To Be Continued.................
