
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Halo:The Critical Strike'

Nick Kang
12:59 pm | April 13, 2004
The plot and descriptions are good, as is your spelling. But the grammar is horrible. Put one space after each comma and two spaces after each period. Other than that, it was a good read. Just fix up your grammar and your stories will be a lot better.

Halo master
9:12 pm | April 11, 2004
okay, if the marines were on Halo and did that whole mission, than at the end they couldn't go back to the POA, it crashed in the beginning.. long before any marines landed on Halo. And the chief is not the last of his kind. there are some surviving marines still on reach... like my fav, Will. Good story, fairly descriptive, and good story plot. Keep up the good work. ;)

Halo master, over and out
4:59 pm | April 10, 2004
The plot is fairly well written, though the story or by what i mean is the writing is so bunched up together, its very hard to read, there were some parts in the story where i had to stop and spend quite a while to decipher what you were trying to say. Otherwise, its good, though try to space it up and work on the commas, and periods and things like that.
