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Fan Fiction

The Gods of War: Spartan III's: Bombing Run
Posted By: romac1991<bobbyhill@yahoo.com>
Date: 16 July 2004, 7:13 AM

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      Brian's vision slowly cleared and sharpened. He straightened up and finally realized what just happened. The Juggernauts lay on the ground in a bloodied heap, and a lone figure stood before him, with a rocket launcher in hand. It was just like a scene from a storybook. What stood before him was a legend. A living, breathing legend. The man stepped over the bloody piles that were once Juggernauts, and strode to Brian.

       "You're Spartan-117? The legendary Master Chief?" Brian asked confused.

       "Negative," John said simply.

       "But...you're alive? I thought the explosion of Halo killed you?" Brian said still confused.

       "Affirmative. I'll explain later, let's move out, before the Covenant send reinforcements"

       The man that stood before Brian was a legend and a combat genius. He was arguably the best fighter to ever set foot on any UNSC Planet.

       "Wait, let me get my team," Brian replied. Brian looked back and saw Jason, Christian, and Jacob slowly get up. But Joshua just lay there, not moving. Brian checked his vital signs and confirmed it, flatlined. He stood a moment in mourning and remembrance, then quietly said goodbye to his Spartan brother. He was gonna blow the Covenant to Hell and beyond, and then back for another ride.

       "We need to get out of here, on the double. The Covenant have located our position. We need to move now. I saw a Dropship touch down outside of this facility, that's our ride." John informed the Spartans, whipping up a plan in an instant.

      The group of Spartans dashed to the elevator and waited until it stopped. The doors parted and the Spartans sprinted towards the door, and then the outer door opened, revealing the bleak gray moon.

       They wasted no time, green blurs dashed towards the purple Dropship nestled a kilometer ahead.

       John watched as the four large Spartan III sped past him. He was getting old in his age, and could not keep up. For the first time in his life, John felt a little jealous.

       As they neared the Dropship, an unearthly rumble resonated throughout the ground, and the Spartans were thrown to their feet. They looked back and saw the source of this vibration.

       The kilometer high cannon they had just exited was alight with red plasma. An explosion ripped outwards from the inside, and the entire bottom section collapsed. The structure, now missing its foundation, started a rapid collapse. The rumble increased as the building ran itself into the ground. Dust kicked up as the barrel of the cannon disappeared underneath the veil of alien dust. Someone had self-destructed it.

       As the dust cleared and settled, the intimidating cannon now remained a collection of floating metal.

       "Damn," Brian said as they took in what just happened. Had they not left as quick as they did, they would be amongst those small floating pieces of junk. Their awe faded, and their mission slammed back into reality.

       They turned to the Dropship, and climbed in.

       "Shit Joshua and Christian, go get the bombs on the double." Brian said, realizing what he left.

       Joshua and Christian sprinted over to the Pelican wreckage in seconds and quickly found the marked holes. They dug up the dirt and found the four NOVA bombs. They then uncovered the single SUPERNOVA bomb very carefully. Christian took four NOVA bombs in his arms, while Joshua grabbed the SUPERNOVA bomb, and then sprinted to the Dropship.

       They strapped the bombs in to the oddly shaped passenger chairs and climbed in themselves. Joshua climbed into the cockpit and studied the controls for a minute. John, Brian, and the rest of the Spartans settled into the oddly contoured chairs. They sat down uncomfortably and awaited departure. Brian opened a COM channel to John.

       "Uh, Master Chief, sir. Exactly where are we going?" Brian asked the legend.

       "First, we are gonna get the Hell off this moon before they blow destroy it, then, we will slip past the Covenant Defenses using our new cover, and plant those bombs and get out of there immediately." John said sternly.

       "Yes Sir!" Brian said, again awestruck by his tactical abilities.

       "Joshua, saddle up, we're heading to that planet, now." Brian ordered Joshua over the COM.

       "Roger that sir, take off in five."

       The Dropship sprang to life and hovered off the ground for a second. The Dropship then shot forward towards the Covenant Planet.

       As they left the moon, and soared towards the planet. Thousands of ship big and small, crisscrossed everywhere going every which way.

       As they neared it, they finally saw some details they had not seen before. The planet was a ghastly white, just a white sphere against the blackness of space. Brian noticed there were a few hundred ships in high orbit. As they soared ever closer to the planet, the ghostly white color turned out to be very thick clouds.

       The Dropship got close enough to reveal ten titanic ships, in tight orbit around their homeplanet. These humongous ships were more than twice the size of a standard Flagship. They appeared to be some kind of command ship, due to the large amounts of Destroyers and Frigates surrounding them. They passed the nearest one, and got a close look at their weapons. Fourteen angry Plasma Turrets were mounted along its eight sleek bulbous sections. A single humongous Plasma Cannon was mounted along the spine of the ship, similar to those on the moon.

       All the activity in the system was concentrated on the moon accident, and the ships paid no attention to the tiny Dropship gliding into the atmosphere of the planet. Brian watched as the ship neared the opaque cloud shrouding the planet.

       "Entering atmosphere!" Joshua warned.

       There was a crash as the Dropship started to shake violently every which way. They could do nothing but fly blindly through clouds. Brian looked at the wall in front of him, and saw it glow red from the heat. He felt dizzy as the Dropship jerked around uncontrollably. He braced himself on the wall, and waited. After several long minutes, the jerking stopped, and the ship stabilized.

       Brian looked out the hatch, and spied a massive landmass sprawling before him. He could see grand blue oceans stretched out to the horizon. One of the first things he noticed, was the darkness. The land was dark, nearly so dark that it was hard to see, and he could spy enormously populated cities, marked by millions of blue lights, still visible from their altitude due to the lack of sunlight.

       John pointed out the window to a large light filled area, which took up half of the continent. That had to be the Capital, and the Prophet was bound to be there.

      The bird lowered its nose, and picked up speed as it shot towards the large city. As they neared the ground, thousands of Dropship swarmed around.

       We should fit right in." Brian thought.       Brian focused his attention on the landmass that they were steadily approaching. Humongous mountains loomed over the landscape, with snow topped caps. The city details were slowly etched into the view of the Spartans.

       Gigantic purple structures towered hundreds of meters in the air, and were so high, they too had frozen tips. Just looking at the snowy scene made Brian feel cold.

       Joshua's voice crackled over the COM.        "Uh, Brian, I'm gonna find a place to land near the edge of the city, we could try to... Joshua trailed off, distracted.

       "What is it Joshua?"

       "I just got...a transmission from HighCom. It seems the Covenant changed their plan. They are preparing to pull out and fall into orbit. Then... then...they glass Earth... Joshua said, trailing off at the end.

       Brian swore. They had to go back to Earth and help. He opened his mouth, to suggest a plan, but John spoke first.

       " I have a plan. Although we can't still land and place the bombs, we can drop them off from this altitude. They will only explode if armed, or activated by a Remote Detonator, which we have. Then, we will attempt to infiltrate one of the Command Ships, then get back to Earth as fast as we can."

       "That's crazy. We'll never make it out of here alive," Christian said defiantly.

       "Crazy or not, we will do it. Is that clear?" John said clear and concisely.

       "Affirmative, sir." Christian answered back quietly.

       "Drop those bombs," John ordered.

       Brian pressed the release button on the bay doors, and the wall in front of him extended outward and up, revealing the dark night sky. Ice cold wind lashed in the Dropship, not even affecting the armored Spartans. Brian unstrapped the SUPERNOVA bomb and leaned over slightly over the edge and looked down at the glowing city twenty thousand feet below them.

       Not knowing when to release, Brian looked back at John, who responded with a nod. Brian released the behemoth bomb and let it drop through the darkness. The black dot that was the bomb disappeared somewhere outside of the city.

       The Dropship screamed towards other major light cluster, and one by one, four other massive NOVA bombs were sent careening towards the edge of the cities.

       As the last bomb fell towards its target, the Dropship pulled up into the opaque white cloud, and disappeared.

       Seconds later it reappeared, now in the vacuum of space. The tiny craft spied a line of Dropships gliding towards one of the Command Ships numerous bays. Slowly, it picked its way into the line, and flew into the Command Ship.
