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Fan Fiction

Shadow Ops II: Nowhere to Run, Chapter Three
Posted By: Nemesis<shadow_agent13@hotmail.com>
Date: 5 November 2003, 4:25 AM

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Chapter Three

Colin slammed his foot onto the accelerator pedal of the civilian-class Warthog he and Johnny Colbourne had rented. Sitting beside him, Todd Maddox had a map out, and was tracing a road with his finger. In the back, Colbourne and Jamie Fisher sat silently, watching the buildings go by. Maddox looked up from his map.

"Our target should be in the old part of DC. Empty country area, right near the old football stadium" he said.

"Names Specter, give me some fucking street names" Colin said.

"And if I don't?" Maddox asked. Colin grinned and began swerving the Warthog back and forth on the road, ignoring the horns being beeped at him. Maddox held onto his seat.

"Okay! Okay! I was just fucking joking!" he yelled. Colin laughed and finally came to a stop. In the back, Fisher grabbed his stomach and quickly put his head out the window and puked up his breakfast onto the empty street.

"Aww, that's nasty man" Johnny said, trying to move away from Fisher as he continued to puke. Colin laughed again and nudged Maddox.

"Where am I going dude?" he asked him.

"Avery Street is where this bank is located. To get there, keep going straight, and then make a left at the lights" he said, trying to ignore Fisher, who was still hanging out the window. They reached the traffic lights quickly, which forced Fisher to get back inside, since two DC police patrol cars were positioned off to the side of the road, a small group of men gathered near the corner.

"What the fuck?" Johnny said out loud, looking at the cars. Five men stood in front of four DC police officers, who had their hands on their guns. The men were all wearing hoods and were making gestures at them officers. Colin shook his head.

"Fucking rebel protest" he said.

"Seriously?" asked Jamie Fisher, letting go of his stomach and looking over.

"Yeah, there's e-mails and reports of small protests all over DC and other cities" Maddox said, nodding his head as they turned the corner onto Avery Street.

"Straight down this street right?" Colin asked the tech specialist, who nodded.

"Yeah man, stop when we get close to the stadium, we should be able to see the place" he said, looking at his map again.

"If we do this thing on the day of a rebel protest, most of the DC police force will be concentrated on that, we wouldn't have any resistance" Johnny said, still trying to look at the small gathering at the corner of the street.

"Well, we're hoping that whether there is a protest or not, we'll do this without any resistance" Colin said, slowing down as the big abandoned stadium came into view. He could make out a small warehouse on the side of the road. The two garage doors were open, and appeared to be empty.

"See that?" Maddox asked.

"Yeah, we'll park here" Colin said, turning the Warthog to the warehouse. Slowly, the vehicle moved inside the dark garage, and stopped. Colin cut the engine, and jumped out, flashlight in hand. The warehouse had been used for storage for the stadium back when it was being used. Deflated footballs and soccer balls were scattered all over the place, along with crushed boxes and papers.

"This'll be perfect, we'll hide out here till it's time to go" whispered Johnny as he stood beside Colin.

"There a light around here?" Colin asked. Maddox flipped a switch and a small lamp hanging from the ceiling flicked on. Johnny and Colin quickly closed the garage door behind them, along with the other one, so that no one would see them.

"Looks good. Okay, Death, I'll need your help to gather some intelligence on this place" Maddox said. Colin nodded.

"Spirit and I will stay here, you two go" he said. The two men nodded and walked out through a door near the back of the warehouse, leaving Fisher and Colin all alone. The ex-Master Sergeant began pacing around the room for a moment, tapping the walls and kicking a dead soccer ball around. He finally looked up at Fisher, who was leaning against the Warthog, staring at the floor.

"Spirit" he said. The man didn't answer at first, then suddenly shook his head and looked up.


"You all right dude?" asked Colin, tossing the soccer ball aside. Fisher rubbed his eyes.

"Yeah, fine" he said.

"You sure? You've been acting weird lately dude. First you disappear during the morning, now you've become so quiet" he said. Fisher shrugged.

"Guess I'm still in shock still" he said.

"Shock about what?"

"Us, leaving the UNSC and now planning to strike back...I guess it's getting to me" he said.

"You still wanna do it?" Colin asked.

"Of course, I won't back out now, but still...going up against the UNSC and all, just scares me I guess" he said. Colin patted him on the back.

"Hey, relax, we'll just do this, then you can do whatever you want with the money we get out of it, I know I'll be leaving, try and start my life again" he said, grinning. Fisher didn't make eye contact, but nodded.

"Yeah, I'll probably do the same" he said. Colin still wasn't satisfied, but it seemed that the medic wasn't into talking. He backed off and began playing with the ball again. A car drove by outside, which startled Colin. He looked outside, to see a black van driving full speed to the bank.

"Odd" he whispered, looking over at Fisher, who was now staring at the garage door. Colin shook his head, and walked back inside.

"Looks like they're getting another shipment of shit" he said. Fisher nodded. Colin stared blankly at him for a second, before sitting down on a large crate and taking out a cigarette. Just as he was about to light it, Maddox and Johnny returned.

"We've figured out a way to get in" Johnny announced. Colin stood up, breathing in the fumes from the nicotine stick.

"Talk to me" he said.

"That black van that drove by, dropped off a new shift of guards, and then took the old shift probably back to a police station or something. This is what we are thinking. The day we do our little heist, we set up a bunch of road spikes out front, to disable the van as it's coming to drop off more guards. Once the van stops, we move in and kill everyone on board, then take the van to the bank. There's some sort of back garage entrance, which is where the guards are dropped off. We go there, wait for the old shift of guards to come out, and then kill them. The people inside will have no chance to defend themselves" Johnny said, grinning broadly. Colin nodded and grinned as well.

"Excellent. We'll need silenced weapons for that though" he said.

"Not a problem, give me a day or two, I'll have six for all of us" he said, grinning again. Colin knocked off some of the ashes from his cigarette and looked at Fisher again, who was ignoring them.

"Okay, good. Tell this to Shadow, let's get out of here" he said.

"Yo! Who the fuck is in there!" Colin froze as the deep voice entered his ears. He looked over at Johnny and Maddox, who stared back at him.

"I know someone's in there, get the fuck out!" another voice yelled. Maddox moved to the door and looked inside.

"It's the guys from the street corner" he whispered. Colin grinned and took another puff of his cigarette.

"Come on in ya douche bag" he yelled. The garage doors opened, revealing five men, who walked inside. Two men held baseball bats, while another had a lead pipe.

"Yo jackass, this is our turf, get out" the lead one yelled. Colin smiled and breathed in more fumes from his cigarette.

"Hello, he's talking to you, you mother fucker" another man growled. Colin nodded and looked at his cigarette. He then flicked it at the lead man and glared at him.

"Why don't you make us" he growled. The man bawled his fists and rushed forward. At the same time, the other four men rushed at them. Colin ducked the man's first two blows, and then smashed his fist into his stomach. The man grunted, but smashed his fist down onto Colin's back. His spine exploded in pain, but Colin stood straight. He grabbed the man by the collar of his jacket and punched him repeatedly in the face. The man brought his arms up, but Colin held both of them down. He put both of the man's hands into his one fist, and used his free hand to grab the back of his head. He then pivoted and smashed his head into the warthog. The man howled in pain, and eventually broke free. Colin punched him two more times in the face, and then tossed him into one of his goons. The two of them collapsed into the corner. Johnny grabbed one of the baseball bats and yanked it from another man's grip, breaking his wrists. He brought it over his head and cracked it over his skull. The man was knocked out. Fisher had a bleeding nose as he tried to avoid the lead pipe being swung at him. Colin rushed at the attacker and tackled him from behind. The two of them were buried in cardboard boxes that fell on top of them as they fell into the corner. Colin was up first. He grabbed the man's jacket and pulled him up. He was dazed, but glared at Colin, who grinned and punched him in the face. The lead pipe fell. Colin scooped it up quickly and stabbed it at the man's stomach. He bent over, puking up onto the floor. Colin shook his head, then skipped forward and swung the end of the pipe into the man's face. He flew backwards into the boxes. Colin dropped the pipe and looked over at Maddox, who was torturing the last man. He had him in a headlock, and if he wanted too, could bring his arm or neck. Colin patted Maddox on the back and he let go. The man crumbled to the ground. Maddox kicked him twice, before grinning at the others.

"Nothing like a little torturing before you get the shit beaten out of you" he said.

"That makes no sense at all, but whatever, let's get out of here" Colin said, wiping the blood from his hands and face, then jumping into the Warthog. Johnny helped Fisher into the back, who was still holding back his head. Maddox climbed into the side seat. The engine roared as Colin turned the keys. Slowly, he backed out, and then drove back down Avery Street, to their apartment.

Vice Admiral Casar sat at his desk, reviewing a report of a group of men and women protesting against the Office of Naval Intelligence. Apparently, they had gotten wind of some of the human experiments they were conducting here for research. That was what he told the crowd, even though the people he was using were test subjects and would be useful in the war. He signed and shut his computer down, pinching the bridge of his nose. The door opened suddenly, and a big man, dressed in a suit and covered in medallions and ribbons walked in. Casar looked up.

"General Banton, please, sit down" he said, standing to shake his hand. Banton nodded and took a seat, shaking Casar's hand quickly. Casar sat down also. "What news do you bring me?" he asked.

"Good news sir. My plan has worked. One of the Shadow Ops II squad members wishes to help us. He's probably the youngest of the group and was the guy I told you about how didn't seem so happy about leaving the UNSC. He's petrified of the other squad members and doesn't want to leave, because he thinks they'll hunt him down and kill him. He'll help, for a cost naturally" Banton said. This was indeed good news. Casar smiled.

"What does he want?" he asked.

"Money, a home, a job, some stocks as well" he said.

"Good, we can do that. What's their plan?" Casar asked. General Banton leaned forward and began telling Vice Admiral Casar exactly what the Shadow Ops II squad was planning on doing to the Office of Naval Intelligence and the United Nations Space Command...

By: Nemesis (aka Agent Shade)
