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Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Shadow Ops II: Nowhere to Run, Chapter Three'

4:36 am | November 9, 2003
lol, i'll shut up too, peace out Walker, Semper Fi
11:42 pm | November 8, 2003
If it was nonfiction we'd both be wrong.

Nonfiction-completely factual, Halo does not exist and is therefore not nonfiction.
Fiction-not completely factual, but still realistic.
Science Fiction-not completely factual, but still realistic, and usually based on futuristic yet feasable theories.
Historical Fiction-involving real events, but some non-realistic characters, like the "We Were There" books or "Gone With the Wind".
Fantasy-not completely factual, and not based on reality.

If you start classifying this story it's leaning a teeny bit toward the fantasy side, if you want to get technical. I don't so, as I said, good luck.

Semper Fi


PS: I should really shut up now...
9:20 pm | November 8, 2003
these aren't just regular soldiers Walker, they're Shadow Ops...they expected to get more than a thank you, but you're done....they weren't even given a medal or anything...as much as i know you wish for stories to be more lifelike, this is fiction...there will be some things that you see in stories that don't apply to real life...no offense, but get used to it, not all of us here wish to think this is supposed to be EXACTLY like the real world, the world we live in...fan fiction....i don't know the exact definition for fiction, but i do know that it is made up information or stories...now, if this was non-fiction, then you would be right and i would be wrong

in your great words "Semper Fi"
8:48 pm | November 8, 2003
Well, isn't that what all soldiers get? Or even less. Why should they be any different? And if that's what they were after, congradulations and a big fancy record, why would they be fighting in the first place? They could do that by being politicians. But, okay, these are your characters, if you want them to do that--which to me is a complete abandonment of integrity and honor--then you can do it. Good luck with this story.

Semper Fi

6:00 pm | November 8, 2003
do you see where i'm coming from though? Going after Casar himself wouldn't solve their problem. In my mind, ONI has a council of leaders, who all decided that Shadows Ops had to be shut down....wouldn't you get pissed after months, nay, years of fighting and all you get is a congratulations, but you're fired notice or something. because i'm writing this story, it would piss me off, so that's why i am having the Shadow Ops squad try and weaken ONI, hopefully forcing to shut themselves down by taking large amounts of credits, destroying bank accounts and stealing stocks. that's what they want done....it's just a question of whether they can pull it off or not, which i'm not going to tell you...all i can say is, don't assume the obvious...for those of us who want more action, the next few chapters will have some
2:30 pm | November 8, 2003
All right, as long as you've heard me out...

Semper Fi

8:57 am | November 8, 2003
Lots of dialogue, gives the story a fast-pace.
Generous swearing, but dished out believably.

You write engaging stuff, although looking at it I can't see what would motivate a soldier to cause problems when the whole human race ought to be in the same boat by that point.
4:05 am | November 8, 2003
walker, there's not much point in you reading the rest of this series, since they're gonna do what you don't agree with...sorry, but it's my story, and this was my idea...this wasn't just Casar's decision, keep in mind it was all of ONI that wanted Shadow Ops shut down, which is why they plan to strike back against ONI, by taking out one of their private banks, stealing credits and stocks...that's the plan...the idea of honor and glory for the UNSC was gone when they were told that because the Spartans were going to take over for them, they weren't needed....working with the Marine Corps would suck, because they aren't trained as well as they are...because they hate ONI so much, they didn't wish to start working as a scientist or technician...the only remaining option was leaving ONI and the UNSC military forces...i'm sorry for how you feel, but i don't plan on changing my idea....if all of HBO's fiction readers agree with you, then i shall stop

Semper Fi to you Walker
3:24 am | November 8, 2003
I think that it was implied in my review that I would stop reading the series. But don't just blow off what I said with a "w/e", think about it. What kind of soldier thinks of himself first? Not any good ones, because if they did they'd run away from battle every time. But these guys don't. Then why are they thinking of themselves by wasting the UNSC's time with petty revenge? They could at least go after this Casar guy personally and not the whole of ONI. More people are spared from the Flood that way, which is the reason they fought in the first place, to spare people from the terrors of the Flood. They're contradicting themselves, commiting treason, and turning their backs on humanity. Those are not people to write about in a positive light.

Semper Fi

3:06 am | November 8, 2003
lmao w/e Walker, stop reading the series then
2:42 am | November 8, 2003
Well, I read it, and I have to say the whole idea of a counterstrike against the UNSC is completely stupid and out of character for these men, who, after all their battles, would certainly realize that by performing whatever sabatoge they plan they are diverting the efforts of the UNSC away from a cause that could save thousands, nay, millions or even more humans and diverting these efforts to quieting a rebellion caused by a bunch of ex-employees. It is exactly the type of thing a common criminal would do, not a professional soldier who knows that his own emotions don't matter in the long run. If every member of our armed forces took it upon themselves to exact revenge upon their superiors then the chain of command that holds our military together would fall apart. The turn this story has taken is unrealistic and uninteresting, not entertaining in the least. Go back to MJOLNIR. Maybe you shouldn't have started another Shadow Ops story at all.

Semper Fi

2:42 am | November 8, 2003
Maybe I seemed a little harsh there but my patience with this series has run out.
10:03 pm | November 7, 2003
hehe, who could it be? you got Fisher who seems to be losing his confidence, Maddox, who's the quiet one, Johnny, the arrogant one and thinks everything is gonna be easy, Andrew, who also doesn't talk a lot AND Fredrick, the leader, who thought up the whole idea about this....quite frankly, it could be any one of them, maybe even Colin...thanks guys, they chapters will get much better
9:33 pm | November 7, 2003
Cool, but somehow I don't think fisher is the traitor, unless he's lost all his subtley (only spelt right)
Sergeant B
8:35 pm | November 7, 2003
We have a Traitor! Fisher, duh!

Nice story Nemises. Very good. Actually, I have to say, a little short. But on second thought, you ended at the correct place. Good Job!! And everyone who goes to Bungie.net, come join Raider's Company!
