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Fan Fiction

Omega Red Chapter 1
Posted By: Kane172<Kane172@aol.com>
Date: 18 December 2002, 12:45 am

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       1200 Hours, April 25, 2577 (Military Calendar) /
       Ki Fong Star Cluster, Fire Hawk Canyon, Hayfong 7
      Archimedes 4 District, Alpha Sector B7a, Grid 13 by 19  

The gleam of three suns reflected off of the visor of the MJOLNIR armor, which was concealing the face of a war torn elite Spartan, commander of the greatest force man has ever conceived. He is second only to only a single surviving original Spartan who has never received a code name and only responds to Master chief or Spartan 117.  Commander of a dead squad of Spartans called Alpha Green. As for this second generation Spartan He is called Spartan 945-Omega and is commander the most elite surviving squad called Omega Red.  

Spartan 945-Omega motioned for red 6 to look down into the canyon and estimate enemy numbers.  Red 6 Radioed back over the comm. system "About nine-hundred Grunts give or take a hundred, a couple hundred Jackals, few dozen Elites, and three or four hunters. "
"And I thought Hayfong was supposed to be a holy world to the covenant. Red 4 toss a couple of grenades down there." 945 Requested.
The fourth red light on 945 HUD (heads up display) blinked then he could see from the other side of the canyon six or seven little black dots fly across the sky and slowly fall to the ground. As he returned to his hidden position he heard seven thuds in a seemingly consecutive order drowning out the screams of dieing grunts as soon as the last explosion.  The team sprung up and began to empty the extended clips on their MA8-5C customized assault rifles. The razor sharp armor piercing bullets cut the grunts methane tanks with environment suits like butter.  The Covenant horde was firing wildly in every direction.  The chaos gave blue team enough cover to place the HAVOK nuclear mine under the covenant cruiser.  Every blue light on 945s HUD winked twice.  945 radioed to blue leader "have your team use their JACKHAMMERS  to take out the hunters down there."  He saw four fiery streaks fly across the sky and then heard one booming thud; after the smoke cleared he saw four monstrous bodies lying in the middle of their own craters.  945 radioed to all green units  "Green team use your MAR (magnetic Accerlated Rounds) rifles to eliminate the elites." In a few moments he saw several elites fall to the ground then a streak of smoke go straight to their heads, and then finally several loud cracks confirming the kills.  "All units return to the rendezvous point." 945 commanded.  The Squad returned to the Y7-Albatross troopship and proceeded to go into orbit of Hayfong 7 to watch the light show that was starting in a few short seconds.       

                       Chapter 1

0415 Hours, March 24, 2557 (Military Calendar) /
Epsilon Serpentis System, Babylon XVII Theater
Susa Military Complex, Barracks 129

      "MAGGOT!!" The Sergeant yelled "GET OUT OF BED!!"
      Erik slowly rolls off a cot wondering why his father was calling him a maggot.  As he opened his eyes he saw that it wasn't his father yelling at him, but a man in military clothing with a metal pole in his hand.
      "Well what the hell are you waiting for clothes off to the showers? ON THE DOUBLE DAMNIT" Erik stared at him for a second. "THAT MEANS NOW!!!"
      He snapped to conciseness and slowly began to take his clothes off. He realized that there were many other boys and girls also getting up and being yelled at by other men in camouflage. Some kids started running to the end of the building naked once Erik was undressed he followed.  The showers were freezing cold. Later a man looked in the showers and yelled "Everybody out... NOW!!!"
      Erik had to still rinse the shampoo from his hair so he waited a second. All of a sudden he felt a huge jolt in his side and fell to the floor twitching and wondering what just hit him.  He slowly opened his eyes it was blurry for a little while but he say a figure of a man standing next to him.  When his eyes came into focus he say the man that got him out of bed.  
      Erik ran back to his cot in fear of getting hit again he found a sweet suit with    ERIK-945-Omega plastered all over it he put it on.  All the kid in the room were dressed and sitting at the side of there cots when a huge man, a shade over two meters, in a black uniform, his right chest covered in what seemed to be every possible military medal, on his upper right sleeve as an insignia that had gold eagle with its talons poised forward in one was a lightning bolt and three arrows in the other.  When he stopped in the center of the building all the men in the room saluted.
      The man began to speak. "I am Master Chief and for now you will consider me more powerful then god and the rest of these called the instructors.  Now everyone out side, NOW!!"
      He and everyone ran out side Erik and all the other kids were lined up and the boxed in by the uniformed men Master Chief stood in the front center and yelled "1000 jumping jacks"
      He immediately started and the kids did too one boy stopped and was Shocked by one of the drill instructors. After the jumping jacks were push-ups, then sit-ups, deep squats after that, then knee bends. Half way through the deep squats Erik threw up. After they were finished Master Chief yelled "Rest... Instructors get water"
      Erik gulped down as much water as he could then Master Chief Said "lets take a jog... THAT'S AN ORDER!! ON THE DOUBLE TRANEES."
      After running for what seemed to be an eternity Master chief stopped at a building where a translucent woman stood in the doorway. He said something to her that Erik couldn't hear. Master Chief turned around commanded everyone into the building where tables with chairs all the kids took a seat on the table in front of each seat was a small plate with cheese and crackers on it and a glass of water next to it Erik ate his down as fast as he could then gulped down the water. The woman was now standing in front of the room Erik could tell now that she was an AI.  She Said "Good morning boys and girls my name is KAEDE and I am going to be your teacher"
      Erik wanted to lay his head on the table and take a nap - until KAEDE started to tell them about a battle and how three hundred soldiers fought against thousands of Persian infantry.
      A holographic countryside appeared in the classroom. The children walked around Miniature Mountains and hills and let the end of the illusionary sea lap at their combat boots. Toy sized soldiers marched towards what KAEDE explained was Thermopile, a narrow strip of land between steep mountains and the sea. Thousands of soldiers marched toward the three hundred who guarded the pass. The soldiers fought: Spears and shields splintered, swords flashed and spilled blood.
      Erik couldn't take his eyes off the spectacle.
      KAEDE explained that the three hundred were Spartans and they were some of the best soldiers that ever lived. They had been trained since children.  No one could beat them.
      Erik watched, Fascinated, as the holographic Spartans slaughtered the Persian spearmen.
      He had eaten his food but was still hungry, so he tried to take some from the girl sitting next to him, as his hand slipped away her hand snapped to his around his wrist.  She whispered to him "It's mine don't touch it!"
"My Bad" Erik says waving his hands sarcastically. So he just took food from the boy on the other side of him, and munched them down as the battle raged on.
The Persians broke rank and ran and the Spartans stood victorious on the blood-scathed fields.  
Erik and the other children cheered. They wanted to see it again.
"That's all for today," KAEDE said. "We'll continue tomorrow and I'll show you some wolves. Now it's time for you to go to the playground."
Playground Erik thought, finally a place where he could just sit on a swing, relax, and think.
He ran out of the room with the other trainees  
Master Chief and the other Trainers were waiting outside.
Master Chief Said "Time for the playground to get there we need to take a short run so lets go."
The trainees ran without haste but the short run turned out to be 6 miles.  Erik had never seen so many poles and nets and towers on a playground ever before in a couple of places where there baskets with ropes tied to them that went up to a pulley then came back down to the basket.
Then Master Chief announced "Today's game was also my first game as a Spartan its called 'Ring the Bell', to start form three lines." They did. "Now the people next to you are your team from now on get to know them well because they are the people who will earn you dinner and them yours. Is that clear."
"YES SIR!!" the children responded in almost perfect unison
Next to Erik was a large muscular boy with rusty red hair, on his shirt was CAIN-408-Omega and beyond Cain was a scrawny girl with jet-black hair on her shirt was DEJA-777-Omega.   Cain walked over to Deja and Erik walked over to them and said "Hi, I'm Erik."
"I'm Cain" Cain said with a grand pride in his voice
"My name's Deja and I'm fast real fast."
"Lets find out when the gun fires run as fast as you can to the basket over there, then hold it until me and Erik get there then we will take it all the way to the top and ring the bell."
      When the Master Chief shot his gun it signaled the start of the game before the crack of the gun came back to Eriks ears, Deja was almost halfway there he and Cain began to run too but couldn't catch up, she beat everyone there was a boy that almost her going after the basket but she won and he gave up his fight to get it, when Erik and Cain arrived.  The three got in the basket together and began to slowly heave themselves up to a suspended plat form right next to the pole with the bell on it. They took turns ringing the bell then lowered themselves back down though they were not the first people back from ringing the bell they were the first team.  
      That night Erik ate a full dinner and it was delicious even though he can't remember what he had, because he ate it so fast. On the wall in the there was four plaques on one it said '117 Apha Green top of class' on the next it said '236 Psi Black top of class' the other had '508 Gamma White top of class' on the last said 'Omega Red top of class'.  The Master Chief walked up to Erik put his giant hand on Eriks shoulder and said to him "You want 945 to go in that blank don't you?"
      "What if I do what's it mean to you?"
      "Not just any one can get on this wall."
      "Yeah so."
      "You have to be the best of the best of the elite, the finest soldier in this squad like I was in mine."
      "You're a Spartan?"
      "Down to the bone, Spartan 117 of Alpha Green."
   "I'm going to be better than you Master Chief and on that plaque it will say 945 Omega Red top of class."
      That night a ten year old boy went to sleep not as the child Erik Chicofsky, but as Spartan 945 of Omega Red, rank trainee.  As a Spartan his only family was his squad.

      Over the years Erik, along with all of the other 74 children, forgot almost everything that was before the Spartans.
