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Fan Fiction

The Legend of Kazak'-Dun Chapter 3: The Battle of Fan-Kirgosh
Posted By: Kane172<Kane172@aol.com>
Date: 3 January 2003, 4:16 am

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Azun-ra sat upon his newly trained rangnorok (a large crocodilian beast that stands on six legs and could run twice as fast as a flaknog, it stands 3 meters high and is 5 meters long, its fiery red eyes and razor sharp fangs jolting out of the mouth strike fear into a warriors enemies.) waiting for the rest of his army to do the same on either there own rangnorok, flaknog or paragog.  When all the men were ready to leave the city Azun-ra turned to his warriors.
Azun-ra exclaimed with superiority in his voice "Today is the day we leave for victory.  When we return each of you will become one with his sword and armor.  You will be a new warrior with the glory of the gods upon you, and the glory of Cipher-Kigon greater because we will conquer rule and destroy all of our enemies none who resist us will live to see an other day for they will suffer death by the blade take no prisoners.  Show no mercy because you will receive none.  For the gods!"
The army let out a glorious roar and exploded out of the city gates with their minds set on destroying all who oppose them.  They headed east of Cipher-Kigon and were headed to the fortified city of Fan-Kirgosh (City in the planes) fairly weak compared to the might of Cipher-Kigon but still a possible threat to future raiding parties.  
When the army of Azun-ra was within two miles of Fan-Kirgosh they were greeted by the cities main defensive force.  Though vastly out numbered Azun-ra and all of his warriors comforted their enemies' head on.  The ranks of Fan-Kargosh splintered and broke like waves on the Cliffside shore of the ocean.  The Elite ambidextrous warriors stormed through the enemy columns tarring off heads, removing arms and legs.  The soldiers of Fan-Kirgosh were under trained, under armed and malnourished.  The army of Azun-ra had an advantage in almost every area of combat.  They were almost showered in purple blood.  Killing Kie-Nikon and flaknog alike the warriors of Cipher-Kigon hailed death and destruction to all who opposed their might.  Azun-ra stampeded through the weakened enemy eliminating any foe that was within his reach his rangnorok eating flaknog caucuses as they stomped into the heart of the battle where the generals of the enemy city were barking out commands trying to take as many lives as they could, until Azun-ra started to slaughter them and their flaknogs as if the were rag dolls giving off minor resistance to their impending doom.  Out of the forest to the north of the battle came enemy reinforcements on flaknogs they were wielding throwing spears and a strange type of blade for after the spear was lost.  The riders stormed into the battle only to encounter mass confusion and disorder due to the loss of commanding control.  The enemy forces wandered aimlessly through the battle awaiting decimation.  Though they did fight valiantly to the last warrior their attempts were futile.
Azun-ra looked back at the smoke rising up through the two setting suns, knowing that the smoke was the burning rubble of the place formerly known as Fan-Kirgosh that is now no longer worthy of that name for the planes around it are no longer they are now swamps of blood and bodies with the grass stained purple and not even a single brick standing on top of an other in the area which used to be a city.
