
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'The Legend of Kazak'-Dun Chapter 3: The Battle of Fan-Kirgosh'

12:33 pm | January 10, 2003
Lol, your title and your battle sound like they are Klingon, from Star Trek. Just thought you would like to know.
Pilot 415
9:51 pm | January 5, 2003
in the story the creature is rangnrok not ragnorok though they may be simalar if the author dosn't know whats going on that a word that he made up is actually real, and Ragnorok is the final battle between Giants and the gods in norse mytholegy
7:45 am | January 5, 2003
Ragnarok in traditional meaning is the end of all time. And ragnorok is (falsly) the mech, it is really the drill...
11:17 pm | January 4, 2003
Its also a ship in FF8, the meaning of the end, a sword in one of those kill them all adventure games, and yes, it is indeed something that seems like it would go on a mech...
Kane 172
4:29 pm | January 4, 2003
thanks for positive comments working on Chpter 4 right now.
Kane 172
4:29 pm | January 4, 2003
oh and thanks for the support
Kane 172
4:25 pm | January 4, 2003
if it is im unaware of and i've never played the game
4:18 pm | January 4, 2003
I'd agree except, I get confused with all the terms. And isn't Raganarok a mech from mechassault? Oh well never the less the the story is quite satisfactory , excellent keep going.
8:21 pm | January 3, 2003
wow you really have taken on a difficult idea and by the looks of it are pulling it off perfectly
