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Fan Fiction

Humanity's Last Hope: Prolouge
Posted By: Ishkabibbl<Sock41@Cox.net>
Date: 11 April 2003, 2:21 AM

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"Welcome foolish explorer, to the Library of Time. Here you shall find books, not on specific subjects, but on eras of time" The robed figure stood in front of me emanating power. I grinned and laughed aloud. All those scholarly fools back on earth mocked me for believing the ancient texts, even though I tried to warn them about the Halos. When John-117 returned to Earth, he talked about it and they seemed stupefied. "Are you going to day-dream or pick a book, mortal?" For some reason I felt the need to grasp my sword hilt. My sword was designed after the samurai sword of my ancestors, but with a taste of the future. Once drawn it was covered with a green flame that could pierce shields and slice through armor. The figure just seemed to be amused, "Now, now, no need for that. Just tell me which era you would like to experience."

"Experience, I thought they were books?!"

"Books haven't existed for along time. Instead in this library you choose which era to visit, even changing time. You can learn and relive life lines. Hmmm, you seem especially interested in the Human-Covenant War...even the Forerunner-Covenant War, not like they're that different, just continuations." I gasped at the fact he knew what I wanted and was just aghast at the fact the wars were continued. "Well, Will I be able to travel to more then one era, and if so, what would the price be?"

"Since you've traveled for thousands of years going 'light speed' you don't know the outcome of either wars...let me enlighten you. The humans lost both times. And about the limit of eras that depends, but for the price you will have to travel as your soul leaving that body of yours behind. Don't worry about it though because I'll take care of it. Since you travel with your soul if you die you immediately come back here, and you won't be able to return to that era for two months of their time. Any other questions?"

I nodded and released the hold on my sword hilt, "Yeah, do I get to pick where I go in that era?"

The figure seemed hesitant, "Err...well no, when you go back you will always be assigned to a decent ranking member of the military. Sometimes on the battlefield, sometimes you're about to die. If that's the case though I'll let you go to another spot, without the wait." I nodded, "Alright send me to the earliest part of the Forerunner-Covenant War." The figure made a gesture in the air and I was surrounded by little black cubes spinning around me. After a few seconds I sank into darkness...

When I awoke I was in a lush field, on my back. A marine ran up to me, "Where the hell did you come from?! I thought all the other Sergeants were sent on missions," A suspicious glare appeared on his face, "WHO ARE YO-" I twitched as the familiar sound of plasma fired filled my ears along with the private's blood in my eyes. I jumped up and unsheathed my sword and decapitated two grunts with a swing. The third ran away screaming with its arms up, but it couldn't escape my AR. It left a messy stain on the tree. A sound was coming from the private's old helmet. I snatched it off of his head and put it on my own. "All units retreat to the main generator. The covenant are about to break through the GAHHH-" The comm. link cut off suddenly. 'Best get to the main generator, whatever that is.' I pondered. I sprinted off to the North. Along the path I noticed burning vehicles that didn't look quite Covenant. Instead of the normal purple color on a ghost this ghost was green. I knocked one over and turned it on. "All units, calling all units, engage Covenant on sight. We're losing the struggle in the orbit and the Covies may glass the planet." I speed faster, noticing more and more wreckage in the field. Out of nowhere a banshee swooped down raining plasma. I strafed left allowing the banshee to go ahead of me, and I grabbed my AR and started to snipe the pilot. After a few more strafes the cockpit opened and an Elite's body flew out. I cruised on over to the body and pillaged it. A sound that terrified me was starting to come closer. It was the approach of a Covenant Drop-Ship. I ditched the ghost near the Elite and started to head towards the banshee. Before I got in, dozens of plasma and needler rounds struck my back.
