
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Humanity's Last Hope: Prolouge'

mr lucky
11:49 am | April 22, 2004
confusing but the idea that some one missed their spot in the war and then changes the outcome by going back is cool
6:12 am | March 28, 2004
Curious. It gets you interested, and I like the idea of swords. I mean, being gunned down from a distance is no way to die. A bit confusing, but maybe it'll make more sense as I go...
2:33 am | April 15, 2003
good but confusing
where is the libary of time
what is the libary of time
who built the libary of time
and why is the libary of time there.
not as good as you second one (which i read first?) but still a decent story 7.6 out of 10
with some work this sceries could become a very good one.
James Kinsella
1:37 pm | April 14, 2003
Good story, I liked it. The spellcheck however needs work.
2:13 am | April 14, 2003
Lol thats a ghetto spellchecker.
9:21 pm | April 13, 2003
Yeah my spell check said it was fine...I need to fix that.
5:11 pm | April 13, 2003
I like the concept of this story. You did a good job keep it up.
5:00 pm | April 13, 2003
Dirty Commie
4:18 PM | April 13, 2003
Well....uh....you spelled prologue wrong...

ooh man that was a nice find Dirty commie. Hey Ish, if you ever aren't sure about a word's spelling, do what I do: copy the word, paste it onto microsoft word (or whatever you have) and spellcheck it. :)
Dirty Commie
3:18 pm | April 13, 2003
Well....uh....you spelled prologue wrong...

Anyways, this one was kind of confusing. Usually a prologue is designed to give background information or something like that, this just jumps into the story.

For example, what the hell is this library? I guess it is really far away, and you arrived years (thousands?) after the war, and you found it by studying ancient texts? It just moved too fast, I was lost the whole story. 4/10 writing, 6/10 for new ideas.
MoNa LeEsA
1:10 pm | April 13, 2003
Its cause you say 'fell free to comment' makes you seem like a desperate rookie.

Why do posters keep changing in the most derelict places???
12:36 pm | April 13, 2003
I read it... no comment.
11:27 am | April 13, 2003
Guess people look at the author and skip over it. Oh well.
Shadow Spartan
5:33 pm | April 12, 2003
hmmm...not bad i suppose...yeah, i didnt mind it at all...you seem to have an interest in medieval weapons 8/10 i say, good job
2:36 pm | April 12, 2003
Well this is my second try at a story, so feel free to comment.
