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Fan Fiction

Bloody War: Prologue
Posted By: Ishkabibbl<Sock41@Cox.net>
Date: 26 April 2003, 4:17 AM

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Regiment- 3 Battalions Commanded by Two-Star General
Each regiment is made up of 480 marines.
Battalions- 4 Companies Commanded by One-Star General
Companies- 2 Platoons Commanded by a Captain
Platoon- 2 Squads, Commanded By a Lieutenant
Squads- One medic, one heavy weapons specialist, one sniper, one demolitionist specialist, Six Assault Rifle marines. Commanded by a sergeant.
S/Wing- Five Sortie Class Ships
Sortie Class Ships- Small ships, but larger then typical fighters, able to engage Covenant Cruisers in groups of five or more
F/Wing- Fifteen Daggers, five Hell Eagles (forward reconnaissance fighters), Twenty longswords, Two Titan Nuclear Bombers, Ten MMAC's (Mobile Magnetic Accelerated Cannons) and One Small cruiser, with one marine company and one F/Wing

An Admiral walks down a bland grey hallway deep within the burning earth and at the end of the hallway stops. He looks around with his piercing blue eyes. "Good no one around." He thinks to himself. He returns his gaze towards a safety label, DANGER! Wires carry electricity, and taps it twice. It moves into the wall as the wall swings inwards revealing another hallway. The Admiral quickens his pace and enters a room to the left. Another Admiral is sitting at a table facing the door. "Good to see you again Jake."

"Same for you Alex. Do you know what this is about?" Jake shakes his head as another man enters the room, "Please be seated, we don't have much time. I'm Phil, from ONI. I shall brief you on our new type of starship." He walks to the middle of the table and types on a keyboard. A holographic image of an enormous ship appears with the words, UNSC Planet Taker under it. Phil turns his attention to Jake, "This will be your new ship. I'll go over the high points but you'll need to find out the rest on your own. The ship is divided into six main parts. Three on each side, with symmetrical weapons on each also. For the front compartments, there are 3 MAC's on each side. With five-hundred archer missile pods on both sides. Forty-five PDPC (point defense plasma cannons) are next to the archer pods. Also we have a new proto-type weapon for you. We've nicknamed it the Pac-Man, after the old arcade game character. These weapons are fired at fighters. Once fired the sphere has an opening in it, like a mouth. It then zooms towards its target, gets it in its mouth, then crushes it, then returns to the ship so we can salvage any technology that's left over. That's enough of the first two parts. Now for the middle sections. In the interior of the middle sections two marine regiments are held, one marine recon company, one marine armored regiment, and one mechanized Infantry Company. There are enough pelicans to land all of them simultaneously. In the hanger there are four F/Wings and three S/Wings. There are fifteen PDPC's around the entrance to the hangers to prevent entrance from Covenant boarding craft. The last two parts hold the engines. This ship is able to do pinpoint slipspace jumps, but the engines are huge so only ships of this size can. Currently there are three ships that can do this."

He started typing again and a different hologram appeared with the name, UNSC Harbinger under it. "This will be your ship Admiral Alex. This ship is meant to scout out new systems and if need be, to be able to hold off the covenant for a short period of time. Unlike the Planet Taker it is made up of four parts. Only a platoon of marines will be on to fight off boarders. It will carry a squad of Spartans for disabling important assets to the covenant on the surface of a planet. It will only have one pelican, on an external loading point. In the rear parts are eight shield generators. There are 4 layers of shields with two generators powering them. It carries one-hundred PDPC's on each side. With five MAC's in the belly of the ship and five more on the top. Fifteen MPC's (Massive Plasma Cannon) are on the sides, it took twenty nuclear reactors to power them. Finally it has 250 archer missile pods across the hull."

As Phil was about to leave Jake asked, "What about the third ship?"
"It was supposed to be commanded by Captain Keyes, but that's impossible now." Phil walks to the door and leaves. Alex turns towards Jake, "What does he mean impossible?!" Jake sighs, "Not one to read memos are you? Keyes was chased by an armada on a blind jump from Reach. You seem surprised. He jumped away with the last remaining Spartan, who just came back. They won't tell us what happened just that the PoA is gone." Alex nods then leaves.

Both of the Admirals returned to their quarters and studied their ships. Meanwhile huge amounts of ships and MAC platforms were being produced. New weapons were being produced and tested, along with four-hundred new Spartans. But while these were being trained and made, a broken covenant vessel entered the system just outside of the Pluto colony. It was falling apart at the seams, literally. It crashed into Pluto then burst open sending dead bodies all over the ground. An investigation team was sent but they never returned. A few days after there were distress calls saying that zombies were attacking the colony.

At UNSC high command there was panic. A single sentence was uttered by all of the people, "The Spartan was right." They dismissed John-177's testimony, even though he had the A.I. Cortana with him. The only option was to destroy Pluto, but the only weapons that could do it required a ground team to land and place the explosive on a fault line. Once order was restored the UNSC President wanted to know when the Spartans would be ready. Calls were being made left and right and finally someone used the right number. "The Spartans will reach Pluto in a day, Sir." The president nodded and relaxed, "The Spartans will fix this mess..." he trailed off into silence.
