
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Bloody War: Prologue'

2:13 am | May 3, 2003
I'm not going for realism, thats why I put that part in the top.
9:48 pm | April 30, 2003
You screwed up on the command hierarchy. It should read as follows:
Field Army: 2 or more corps under a General(four star).
Army Corps: 2 or more divisions under a Lieutenant General(three star).
Division: 4 or more brigades under a Brigadeer General(one star).
Brigade: 4 or more battalions under a Colonel.
Battalion: 3 or more companies under a Lieutenant Colonel.
Company: 4 platoons under a Captain.
Platoon: 4 squads under a 1st or 2nd Lieutenant.
Squad: 10 men under a Sergeant.
Jeff Graham
3:48 am | April 29, 2003
Wow, that sounds like a bunch of kick ass ships. Although it sounds unbelievable, but I still like it. I read your other story and that was pretty good, but writers are ever improving; well most anyways. *looks at self in mirror and laughs at self* I hope to ssee more.
10:46 pm | April 28, 2003
8/10 Nice start
11:20 am | April 28, 2003
Wow, this had potential to become an awesome story. Keep it up, good stuff here. 8.5/10
James Kinsella
3:57 pm | April 27, 2003
Good story. I liked it, but it was kinda ominous. You need to indent and all that. Here are you options.

There are severel different HTML tags that you can use.
1. The Italics tags are[i]whateveryouwantinitalics[/i]. The second set is to close the italics tag so that the rest of the page isn't italicised.

2. Also you need [indent] tags. You just type this(with the marks around it) at the beginning of a new paragraph. No closing tags required.

3. And [b]whateveryouwantinbold[/b] tags. The second set is to close the bold tag so that the rest of the page isn't in bold.

4. Finally you have the [hr] tag. This puts a thin horizontal line acroos the entire piece that can be used to separate things.

Hope This Helps!
3:32 pm | April 27, 2003
Good start.

(heh heh, Pac-Man...)
