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Fan Fiction

The Life of a Soldier
Posted By: HaloMaster7 (Air)<soccerair34@aol.com>
Date: 3 January 2003, 3:22 am

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Date: July 28, 2552
Habitat: Alien Ring World "Halo"
Time: 1:45 pm

         The Commander Elite started to move in on its enemy. Slowly...ever so slowly.
What the Commander Elite wasn't aware of was that the Master Chief was slowly closing in on it.
         The Elite held its sword, and drew it near the marine's throat. The Elite was going to finish him off. How he had survived as long as he did, he didn't know. The Commander Elite muttered a few words, which sounded like a monster telling its helpless victim that their time was over, and that they didn't deserve to live.
         Just in time, the Master Chief meleed the Elite before it could behead the cowering marine.
         "The cavalry has arrived." he whispered deliriously, and then fainted. It looked like he had lost a lot of blood. The Master Chief called a few marines, telling them this man had passed out and needed medical attention. He read the marine's name out loud.  "Carlson." before letting the medic's airlift him off.

Date: July 29, 2552
Habitat: Alien Ring World "Halo"
Time: 3:30 pm

         When Joe Carlson had finally come to, he awoke in what looked like a Covenant underground station.
         "Augh!" he screamed, scrambling to get up, when he noticed that he was very lightheaded and had bandages on him. "Huh?" he wondered, surveying himself.
         A second later, another marine was being brought in on a stretcher, by a few fellow marines he recognized as professionally trained doctors. He looked like he was in worse shape than Carlson had ever seen. It doesn't look like he's gonna make it, Carlson thought. Then, the doctors began to work on him.
         The man on the stretcher next to him was in agony. His face was twisted with fury and pain. He was groaning loudly, and Carlson wished it would stop. Tears were welling up in his eyes. He felt sorry for this young man.
         All of a sudden, the man stopped groaning and was just lying there, with his eyes wide open.
         "Dammit!" the medic said aloud as he checked the man's pulse. "We lost another one, sir." The medic looked up at the sergeant.
         "Keyes won't be too happy about this. This was a personal case. Seems Keyes was right next to him as a...what are those damn things called.... grunts? Yeah, well, they stuck him good with one of the guns where those little pink needles shoot out of it." The sergeant explained.
         "A needler, sir?"  The medic corrected him.
         "Yeah... one of those. Anyway, those fucking things stuck him pretty bad. Keyes was sure he was dead, but...nope, he wasn't. So he called for an airlift for him. It seems that this man was telling...well, trying to tell Keyes about his family until we shot him up with some anesthetic and pain killer. I reckon Keyes knew about his life at home. I think he felt he related with him, 'cause this young man had a wife and a kid. Shame...really." said the sergeant. With that, he walked out of the room.
         "What was his name?" Carlson asked the doctor.
         "Johnson. Gary Johnson." the doctor said sadly. "Well, I better get him out of here. I'm sure more are coming in anytime soon. I'm surprised we got a few live ones," he said with a smile. "Are you okay?"
         Carlson nodded, and then he laid back down onto his pillow, saying a silent prayer for the man.
         "God..." he said aloud when the doctor had left. "Why do good men have to die?"

Date: July 30, 2552
Habitat: Alien Ring World "Halo"
Time: 6:27 pm

         Carlson woke up with tears in his eyes. There was a lot of pain in his shoulder. "Shit." he said aloud. Then, he noticed that there were a lot of black body bags on the other side of the room.
         "Good thing the Master Chief got those damn Covenant out of this part of the ring," said the doctor from yesterday. "We have no other place to hold survivors and bodies." he made a quick glance around the room and sighed. "You were one of the lucky ones."
         arlson gave a small smile. "What is this ring we are on?" he asked.
         "To tell you the truth, I have no clue. Some people are calling it 'Halo'." he said. "That makes more sense to me. It looks like a halo, don't it?"
         Carlson nodded. "Yeah, I suppose it does. You know about that old Spartan we were holding on the Autumn? I think he saved my life."
         The doctor smiled. "I think he will be saving many soldiers lives. A lot more, if this goes on for a while. Other marines call him 'Master Chief'."
         "Really." Carlson said, getting more and more interested in this mysterious, indomitable soldier.
         "Yeah. D'you know what else I heard? I heard that Keyes has been taken hostage by Covenant soldiers, along with some of our marines."
         "Can you name any names?" Carlson asked.
         "Oh sure. There were only a few. There was Jensen, Markinson, and there were two more. Oh...oh yeah. Richards, and Greene."
         The last name struck Carlson hard. Greene? Surely there had to be many Greene's on Halo.
         "What was the Greene man's first name?" he asked quickly.
         "Um... I think it was.... yes...it was Bryan." he said. "What's it to you?"
         Carlson sat there, starring at one of the glowing Covenant symbols. "Just.... an acquaintance. Nothing personal...really." he added.
         The doctor eyed him suspiciously, trying to find any kind of reaction out of him. "Yeah well... my name is Doc. Doc Hanson. I will be looking after you for however long you'll need to be in here." Carlson shook his hand with his own right hand, and he winced.
         "You okay?" Doc Hanson asked with a concerned look on his face.
         "Yeah...I'm fine."
         Doc Hanson got up and walked to the door. "I'd best be going now. You rest, because we may need to move if the Covenant drop off any more scum a mile away from here." Then, he walked out of the room.
         "Oh no..." Joe put his head in his hands. Tears started streaming down his cheeks. "Bryan...oh no..."
         Bryan and Joe were best friends. They had known each other for practically their whole lives. Bryan was like a brother to Joe. In fact, Bryan was the reason Joe had entered the Marine Core.
         "C'mon, Joe. Don't be a wuss. Just join with me. It's not like there will be a war anytime soon." Bryan had said.
         How wrong you were, Bryan. How wrong you were.
