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Fan Fiction

Posted By: Gude Riter<ussjgee@hotmail.com>
Date: 1 June 2003, 12:08 AM

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By Elite G

The following story is fictional. It in no way coincides with the actual story line of Halo. This story takes place on a human planet called Moonshadow. The characters are all in a Pelican drop-ship preparing to land in an extremely dilapidated forest. There is little plant life here due to constant battles fought between the covenant and humans.

As the drop-ship neared the landing zone, the chief had but one thought running through his mind, why was it so empty. The reason they were there was because of a sighting of heavy movement on ONI radar. The chief and several squads of marines were sent in to check it out. When they arrived it was to everyone's shock that it was completely empty. Just as the ship had landed the, UNSC personnel slowly evacuated. Keeping on their toes, expecting anything to happen at any second. After about 5 minutes Private Henry Wallabeaver exclaimed, "What the fuck-nuggets is going on?!" He and every other marine were thinking the same thing. The chief knew that it was impossible for that many covenant to just have up and left. Facts were facts though, the entire area had been swept, and there wasn't a damn thing to be found. "I guess we should just head out," remarked Cortana, "though it is highly illogical, there's just nothing......LOOK OUT!"

Cortana was cut off mid sentence due to a huge incoming projectile. Thanks to the lightning fast reflexes the MJOLNIR armor gave the chief he was able to dodge the blast. About 5 marines however had no such luck. All of them were met with an abrupt BOOM! This is when the chief first realized what was going on. It had been a plasma blast from a covenant Wraith. He glanced over towards the direction of the shot only to see a very small amount of light reflect off of nothing in the distance. Nothing soon became something as an unbelievably large invisibility cloak began to disappear and reveal what some marines thought of as "their ultimate doom".

The covenant had been planning an ambush. They knew that humans would realize their presence and come for them. That was the biggest mistake that the humans could have made. As the cloak had completely disappeared, 2 wraiths and several squads of elites became visible. Without a second of hesitation, the chief and the 15 remaining marines opened fire. The elites followed suit immediately. Within seconds the battlefield was full of carnage. You couldn't move an inch without having plasma or bullets fly past your face.

Looking to his right and left, the chief saw a plethora of bodies in pools of blood after only minutes of battle. "Fall back!" the chief yelled. At that command all the marines ran for cover at a near by giant tree stump. It was here that he issued the plan that would win or lose this battle.

"It looks like those damn elites aren't budging." said Sgt. Constantine Honzapaloo. "Your right, their not." replied the chief. "They're trying not to lose any ground, but I don't know what for. Perhaps there is something beyond them that they are protecting," suggested Cortana. "something important." "Well then we're goanna have to figure out what. We need a plan. Marines, I want you to draw the attention of every elite and tank out there. Private Boomer, I'm going to need you're SPNKr rocket launcher. If this works out like I plan than we'll have won this battle." Private Honzapaloo asked, "What're you goanna do chief?" "Never you mind soldier." he replied. A second later the chief ordered them to move out.

A human grenade exploded between the two races. When the smoke cleared, the elites were met with all kinds of lead. The tanks were trying to take out some marines, but couldn't get their trajectory right. Some marines met their end by needles from the guns of blood thirsty elites.

Meanwhile, the chief was preparing to quickly end this battle. As the marines went around the side of the alien platoons too flank them, the chief went straight down the middle. He threw two frag grenades straight into the thick of the aliens. The sky then filled with blue corpses. After he got behind the tanks he readied his rocket launcher. Within 5 seconds and 2 squeezes of the chief's finger, the wraiths ceased to exist. There was only but 5 elites left. The marines made quick work of two of them. Three others weren't as easy to take care of. One of them had a plasma sword. This, the chief thought, was the worse thing that could have happened. Of the twelve remaining marines, half of them fell victim to the sword's edge. Seeing this, as he was eliminating two of the elites simultaneously with a salvaged plasma grenade, he shot the elite in the skull with his battle rifle. Needles to say, he got its attention. Though the shot did nothing more than cause the sword wielding elite's shield to flicker. "Run!!" the chief yelled to the marines, as not to see any more lose their lives.

The elite jumped towards the chief, approximately ten feet in the air. Its sword was raised, it was going to try and pounce the chief for a quick kill. John-117 had no intentions to let that happen. He raised the rocket launcher as protection, and the sword quickly made two rocket launchers. Plasma waved by the chief's eyes as the elite swung his sword to behead the Spartan. With extreme quickness he grabbed the arm of the elite which held the sword, and swiftly cracked the bones and armor with an incredible feat of strength. The elite fell to the ground. It was still alive, but the chief quickly fixed that with a swing of his battle rifle to the back of its extended neck.

There were now no alien forces in the area. Marines came from cover and united with the chief. They all moved forward to see what it was that the covenant were so insisted to protect. What they saw confused and shocked them. It was a human church, still standing even after the heavy battle. They proceeded inside to see what was going on. As they moved through the main part of the church towards the front they saw the body of a covenant Prophet, dead because of a bullet wound in the face. This was most likely because of a stray bullet from a human weapon. It was as if they were using the church as a place to worship their own god. That's when Cortana said, "They're obviously planning to take this planet for their own." The chief didn't understand. There wasn't anything that made this planet anymore special than any other. Which could only mean one thing. "Earth, we have to get to earth. The covenant are obviously taking human planets for themselves. So naturally earth would be there main priority. This was only a decoy or something." "Holy sh....." prompted Private Boomer.

"Well marines it's time to head out," said the chief, "this'll be the mission of a lifetime."

