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Fan Fiction

Fallen Angel: Part 3: First Move
Posted By: Gruntkiller/Covert<ttavenor@nf.sympatico.ca>
Date: 5 January 2003, 3:36 am

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      A lone longsword fighter floated through the endless space. Inside sat a human wearing MJOLNIR armor with the rank Master Chief engraved upon it, but inside there is no Master Chief but Sam. Along the passage of the Longsword leading to the hatch 10 Special Ops elites sit with their arms bound behind their backs.

      "We are now entering Human space," said Sam examining the charts laid out on a holographic screen in front of him. "I'll send out a distress beacon that should get us aboard any nearby vessel."

      This was the mission Sam knew would give him the upper hand in this war. He had long ago gained a near god like status by commanding an army of the most experienced and skilled troops in the galaxy, every single one of them was ready to die for him in battle. He had gained such a high reputation that even drew the gaze of the grand priest most loyal servants towards him.

      Sam typed in the orders for a distress beacon to be sent out.


Aboard the frigate Minotaur

      "Sir were picking up a distress signal 20000km from here," said the Intelligence officer, "shall we investigate?"

      "What the hell would another vessel be doing out here on the edge of human space?" said Captain Arbier, "set a course for the beacon and send reply message."

      "Yes sir," said the Intelligence officer.

      "Course set, engaging in slipstream in 5," said the navigation officer.

      The space around the Minotaur glowed green and then it was gone.


      "There is a frigate on its way," said Sam staring at the return message from the Minotaur. "It is not to big and supports only a small crew so there should not be too much opposition for you."

      Outside only a few kilometers away the space turned green and a small frigate appeared.

      "This is the frigate Minotaur you sent out a distress beacon," said captain Arbier through the comm.

      "Yes this is John 117," sad Sam with an evil grin on his face hidden by his helmet, "I have covenant prisoners and need immediate transport to the nearest military installation."

      "Right away docking bay 1 is open for your ship to land in," said captain Arbier, "there will be the best Marines on this vessel down there to escort the prisoners to the holding block."

      The longsword slowly navigated through space and entered the docking bay, with a soft thump it touched down and the hatch opened up.

      Outside 15 Marines all holding their MA5bs' tightly watched cautiously as 10 black elites marched out of the longsword fighter to form a double line just outside the hatch. Behind them Sam walked out in John's MJOLNIR armor, at his side he wore a long curved sheath that contained a covenant made sword.

      "The captain wants to see you on the bridge," said one of the Marine's who Sam assumed to be the leader of the marines, "we'll take these covies down to the holding cells."

      "Good," said Sam as he walked past the Marines and into a passage which was marked with a red star meaning that it was the passage to the bridge.

      The passages of the ship brought back memories of his former life before he knew the truth, before he was freed by the covenant. With every step his target became closer and closer, he could almost feel its presence, it would be the key to his conquest to destroy the disease called humanity and to bring the Gods back to their former home, all he needed was the ships main computer.

      Sam walked into a room marked with a red star, all along the walls small alcoves were placed with workstations inside them, everywhere humans wearing different colored suits sat typing in commands, or reading data from the many sensors placed outside the ship.

      Sam walked through the room until he came across a man standing in front of a holopanel reading the latest orders from FLEETCOM.

      "Captain," said Sam.

      "Ah you finally arrived, good to see that another Spartan made it away from Reach," said the Captain.

      "How many Spartans survived," asked Sam in shock, he had thought that he had destroyed them all.

      "Only 10 of them made it off the surface but to see that their leader made it out alive changes everything," said Arbier with a smile on his face while watching the imposter MC.

      "No their leader died," said Sam pressing a button on his wrist.

      "What do you mean?" asked the Captain.

      All of a sudden a comm. Link from the Marines that were escorting the Elites opened up. "Sir the prisoners bonds came undone!" Yelled the squad leader, "they were carrying plasma sword hidden in wrist sheaths, were being slaughtered down here! AHHHHHHHH!" in the background the sounds of MA5bs could be heard and the screams of Marines as they were quickly being cut down by the Special Ops Elites.

      "Get every troops we have down there immediately!" yelled the Captain franticly.

      Sam put his hand on his sword and in one motion drew it and cut the Captains throat open. The Captain's throat spraying blood all over a holopanal as he fell to the ground. Sam quickly turned around and drove the tip of his sword into the nearest officer's stomach. The bridge was thrown into chaos as people everywhere scrambled to grab the nearest weapon or in a desperate attempt to escape the wraith of Sam.

      Sam quickly pressed a button at the captain's station closing the blast doors locking everyone in the bridge. Most people banged on the doors screaming trying to get them to open while some grabbed whatever could be used as a weapon and attacked Sam. Sam slashed stabbed and hacked all around him the broken bodies of officers and other bridge workers fell to the ground bleeding.

      Sam then once that all of those that opposed him were dead ran into the crowd of people banging on the blast doors trying to escape. The screams of people dying filled the air. Outside marines tried desperately to open up the blast doors using SPNKr missiles but all of their efforts were useless some of the marines could hear their friends being slaughtered through the door.

      The stainless steel floor of the bridge was covered in blood and bodies. The last of the officers was on his knees pounding on the blast door screaming and crying at the same time for the blast doors to open up.

      Sam walked up behind him and slowly drove his blood covered sword into the officer's back twisting it continuously tearing muscle and cracking bone until the officer's body went limp and collapsed. Sam was victorious.

In the lower levels of the frigate the scene was even worse for humanity, the black elites using plasma swords were cutting through anything that stood in their way. Hundreds of marines and crew lay dead in the passages behind them as they made their way to the bridge.

      In front of them a squad of marines came towards them firing their MA5bs the elites ran up and met them with plasma swords raised the squad was quickly turned into a heap of dead bodies.

      Within an hour the squad of 10 elites had made it to the bridge. Outside three Marines stood blasting away at the door with grenades and missiles trying to stop the near invincible Sam. The Marines were quickly eliminated with out a single drop of blood falling from the catalyzed veins of the Marines.

      Sam's first move was complete.

Next: Winds of doom
