
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Fallen Angel: Part 3: First Move'

8:28 pm | January 25, 2003
sam is a bastard lol. that was a great story loved it
4:43 am | January 11, 2003
looks like the fan fics got delayed again.
7:23 pm | January 10, 2003
thanks jeff the next chapter should be ready for monday if everything runs smoothly. but theres a chance it won't be out till later next week, one of my teachers decided to be a jackass and assigned a big project due the day before exams start, so im a little busy as you can see so sit tight
12:06 pm | January 10, 2003
Can you imagine how many fan fics will come pouring in on Friday?!?!?! And my secret project is going to be one of them too. :D
Jeff Graham
3:33 am | January 10, 2003
An imposter, cool. Now that is an original twist, a spartan helping the covenant, insane.
12:58 pm | January 9, 2003
Or perhaps its... *Runs away* DIablo I still dont get it...

Shouts over shoulder, "Good story Covert step above your last story(Not chapter but the revouloution story). Hope to see more on Friday when Louis updates. "
12:20 pm | January 8, 2003
Ender... you'll see.
10:16 pm | January 7, 2003
lol, no I'm not doing the joint project with the merry marines because, well, I'm not a merry marine. No my secret project is something else, expect it out mabye tomorrow! And someguy, please write the killer cacti and radioactive chicken story for me? :)
9:53 pm | January 7, 2003
el_halo_diablo...could it be that joint one with all ther merry marines where there is some basically unbeatable race of aliens that battle the humans?? at least you make it seem that they are unbeatable...you should use a more secure channel...
7:34 pm | January 7, 2003
hey someguy why don't you try to right that comedy you seem to want so much yourself
7:23 pm | January 7, 2003
sorry el halo diablo but i just can't with exams and all, the series, school, skiing, archery, and band pretty much block up my schedual, sorry would if i could.
12:56 pm | January 7, 2003
make nic nac their leader trying to get revenge on mc for choosing mendez insted of him
12:54 pm | January 7, 2003
thanx diablo
2:05 am | January 7, 2003
:( :(
2:05 am | January 7, 2003
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww wa wa wa!!!!!!
1:23 am | January 7, 2003
1:21 am | January 7, 2003
Im too busy doing a secret project(fan fic) right now.
10:41 pm | January 6, 2003
oh and 'some guy', about your request for that comedy....mabye.
10:39 pm | January 6, 2003
Hey Gruntkiller! I have a Country Report on Canada, due on Wednesday. Can you give me the complete history of Canada from 1940-2003? :D. oh also, im going to do a presentation on mounties, do you know any? ;)
6:58 pm | January 6, 2003
the next couple of chapters are going to be slow coming out because i got exams all next week and two the week after that so sit tight when ever i get a chance ill be working on them
6:58 pm | January 6, 2003
the next couple of chapters are going to be slow coming out because i got exams all next week and two the week after that so sit tight when ever i get a chance ill be working on them
2:33 am | January 6, 2003
Acknowledged gruntkiller.
1:09 am | January 6, 2003
bean the humans are not his allies, and the covenant belife will take on a much more important meaning later on in the story
11:17 pm | January 5, 2003
oh and make them fight the unsc
11:17 pm | January 5, 2003
hey el halo diablo can u make a comedy about giant cacti and radioactive chickens?
Dirty Commie
10:16 pm | January 5, 2003
Cauterize, not catalize.
9:54 pm | January 5, 2003
ya,but it's sick and twisted in a way that Sam is a human and that he's killing his human allies for some stupid covenant belief!
9:15 pm | January 5, 2003
And... Sick and twisted? Heheheheh NO. I disagree with a very heaty NO. Why? Simply because there was nothing overly sick about it, and nothing seemed all that twisted. I did enjoy how sam slaughtered the bridge crew though.
9:13 pm | January 5, 2003
Alright.. other than a couple errors with sentence structure, pretty good story. Keep it up!
8:05 pm | January 5, 2003
the sword that sam used was not plasma the swords the elites used were plasma though i must not of explained that well enough, bean i ment for this to be sick and twisted
7:48 pm | January 5, 2003
Hey that's cruel,sick,twisted,and nasty. But it's still bad ass!
6:18 pm | January 5, 2003
oops, morning typing 0_o . The second to last sentence was supposed to be "Make up your mind, is it hot enough to catalize a vien with a plasma sword or not?"
6:15 pm | January 5, 2003
great story man. Although, I did find one mistake. You said that blood spurted everywhere when the captian's neck was cut open with a plasma sword, but then at the end, you said the marines dropped the the ground without a single drop of blood being spilled. Make up your mind, is it hot enoguht to cataliza a vien or not? Anyway, keep it up, this is one of my favorite series. :)
