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Fan Fiction

Silver BLooded: Belive and Reconsider (PART I)
Posted By: Elite Zov<deepthroat_fox@hotmail.com>
Date: 4 July 2004, 5:44 AM

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Author's note: I'm sorry if my stories had brought the sorrow into the fan fiction, but I couldn't just leave my story without the ending. I had all think out for the future chapters, but hearing the dislikes, I finally ended my story with final two and one half part chapters that I had combined. Once again, even if the grammars are terrifying, I still love my work only by the main theme. Thank you for your suffering and golden time. But like they say "Don't judge book by its cover."

TIME: Late morning
PLACE: Jihurla a.k.a. HALO
DATE: Around 2800

It is hard to believe how easy we can die, just as we born. The lives are just spinning round and round with out stopping, but when it does, there is no way to push it so it'll start up again. This is how Jack explains it. It sounds all crazy to me at first, but if you really look into it, Jack have a point; we all mortal. But with some luck, we can live on.

I found that humans were not really comfortable with me. I could understand that it is not the Vens who gave them a shock, but me. The one to the left of the group, his name was Len Likzy. He never took his gaze off me. He looked scared, but I wasn't sure from what. I should have brought more weapons with me. That way, at least the humans have some ways of surviving chances.

Finally, the bigger man from the middle of the group; that I believe name was John Hisby,
Their leader on their mission said something I never thought he would.

"Ok, buckle up, and let's team up with this fellow, who knows, maybe he'll bring us some luck."

I was relived; at least they trust me a little.

Jack told me about different things, like on Earth, and why it should not be destroyed.
He told me odd things that on my planet would be eliminated for sure. Some of the things included poison that humans drink, that really surprised me. Beer and liquor as he said is a good thing to make you gay. I did not understand him, especially the thing he called "cigar" or "tobacco". He said if you smoke them, you're a goner. But if it true, why then humans still use it? The answer he game me was simple as it can be.

"A little smoke makes you feel good."

Oddly, I would not like to use them only to make me feel good for short while, and after that; die. But I do understand if you dying, maybe then it'll be a good idea for a little smoke. As we spoke about this, Jack gave me a cigar for trophy. He said he was saving it for special occasions. And he said he doesn't smoke anyways, his grandfather gave him it for good luck. Humans, have much different ways to find good luck, too much superstition, but only to cover the facts that they can't explain.

Jack told me all about their mission; they never really had one. They crashed here only because there were system failures on their ship; they were only cruising around when they spotted Jihurla. They had others with them, but they never made it. And now there are only four of them; Jack Maor, Len Likzy, John Hisby and Tom. Jack never told me Tom's other name, which he said he never able to remember.

My people always say that humans are very clever on plans, which is useless, because you'll only waste some time. I believe the leadership is depends only on the leader's personality, and brains. Take an example, Jack, he is outgoing human. He would do anything just to get his way. If you tell him to go and shoot his hand off only if he wants to get a ride, he would do it, only to get his paws on the weal. He is that kind of person that don't think, but do.

John Hisby, also known as Sarge, was walking my way.

Jack also told me he known as Lieutenant J.G.J. Maor. With that he told me a little story how he got promoted on his way home. As I was listening, I realized humans have an awesome easy ways of getting promoted. It took me 1567 years to get were I'm today. Not counting the years I snoozed up on; which is a whole lot of time. Even for these years, I'm known as a youth Admiral Ares. But for humans, I'm their ancient history. It is sad that humans are less living then us, I still haven't lived my 1/3 of my life, you can say, yet Jack have only 74 years to live, if he dies as he say, in his 90's. But some of humans don't even realizing it, they live, like Jack said; one day at the time.

"Alright, what's the plan?" Sarge asked me.

"I'm hoping that you can make a little distraction on the lower levels of the building of the Panel. That will lead all Vens there, and I'll have just enough time to turn on the count down."

"How much time to we have when the count down starts?" Tom asked.

"About 30 minutes of your time." I said; which is good. But I wasn't sure if it'll be exact. The reason to worry is that the Mainframe is down, which is bad. If the time s going to be too much, the Vens have more time to multiply, and even evacuate Jihurla, but if it is too low, we won't have enough time to evacuate. There is only one thing to do. I must not tell them. If things go wrong, I must be in the panels, I must think fast.

"But first," I continued, "we must find a good ship to fly off."

"Isn't yours is still working?" Sarge asked.

"Yes," I said. "But it'll take major repairs, and time. Which we don't want to waste."

I was too busy to trying to think things through, that I made one miner mistake, which could have cost my life and my comrade's as well. I never herd the Vens. They were out there, waiting for the right moment to strike once again. But we were all ready, me with my two Plasma sword, John, with one pistol in one hand and plasma rifle in other, Lenny, with plasma rifle and USP, Tom with human auto rifle, and Sarge with two auto rifles, one which Lenny game him. And we were ready, all left is to do, as Jack said, which I am not sure how when you holding two weapons at the same time, "keep our finger crossed." It is I believe, for good luck...

