
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Silver BLooded: Belive and Reconsider (PART I)'

Elite Zov
6:27 pm | July 11, 2004
Did you read only THIS chapter? I have 9 waiting for ya. If you ppl are going to read other's ppl work only the finishing chapters, thats weard, couse you woun't get anything, not the plot, no the characters, not nothing.

But thanx. I apprecialte it. and Darkboyinunderpants, I catch many ppl's drift, your not the first.
11:49 am | July 11, 2004
i think it was awesome dude! write more and if you have more then i most likely havent read them.
well anyways its good, or did i say that? what ever!!!
peace out dude
11:49 am | July 11, 2004
its ok but i hate it.
its slow but fast.
its tubular but uh....
not tubular.
get my drift?
well im trying to say its ok!!!
i mean ive read better
ALOT better
