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Fan Fiction

Silver Blooded: Through Human Eyes
Posted By: Elite Zov<deepthroat_fox@hotmail.com>
Date: 27 May 2004, 7:31 PM

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DATE: 1425hours
PLACE: Unknown
TIME: Unknown

"Serge, we've been walking all day!" I complained and trying hard to keep up with the group.

"Keep your trap shut, Likzy," whispered Jack Maor that slowed down for me, "or Serge will make you do some damn push ups on the damn snow."

Serge Hisby that herd everything turned around.

"Damn right I will, now double time, I swear I saw something."

"Serge," I said, "you said that five hours ago."

"Damn right I did," Serge John Hisby groaned, "do you think I'll walk all this way for nothing?"

"No sir!" As always you know the rules.

Serge John Hisby is a strong man even for his age. His eyes are dark and eyebrows are thin, his chin just as his nose is pointy. People say that kind of people like Hisby like to give orders. If you ask me, he is pretty much like that. He wants everything go by his way and his way only.

That day, five hours ago, when our platoon stopped for a rest, Hisby saw something. He couldn't say what it is, what ever it was; he believed it could help us find some answers. We didn't know now long we were here, and we didn't even know exactly were here. All we know that we crashed in the middle of nowhere, were a lot of snow and really cold.

"Damn, fuckin' snow!" Cursed John after tripping and falling down. He hit snow hard, which made his eyes water. He cursed some more after I tried to pull him up on his feet, which was helpless because he just pulls me down with him.

"Ladies move it," Yelled Serge, "we ant' got all day!"

After two more hours of walking our little platoon finally reached their distention.

"We're here." Serge said.

The platoon stared and I'm with it; it was a ship they never seen before. Surly, advanced to the top but looked like it was there like forever. There was a hole on one side; someone wanted to get out badly. And a few feet away were the chunk of metal form the ship. God, it must be real hot, because around that metal was about 12 inches melted snow.

"What the hell is that?" I asked.

"I don't know, but whatever it is, I want to ride one of those!" Maor said with a grin, gazing at the ship.

"Dammed, Jack," Joked Tommy, "you always what to ride on something."

Tommy is the new guy. He joined the team before we crashed God knows were. He is a young engineer, the lad only 21 years old, for God's sake. He had blond hair and bright, blue eyes. 'Sun-shine', like Maor would call him.

"Hay, but at least I got my wish last year, didn't I, Likzy?" Maor said and gave me a little push.

"God, Jack," I smiled, "you crashed the poor thing."

It was a pitiful day for both of us, which was followed by Jack destruction actions. We were in the front lines, as normal marines shooting down some little blue aliens that were 8 feet tall. There were no one around, and as always, Jack would catch us a ride. I don't know how he does it, but he has a strange luck with the transportation. He is a mad man for speed. This time, he founded a classic Scorpion Tack. For God's sakes, he didn't even know how to drive that thing! He was totally out control and crashed in to a wall; almost crashing me with that wall. And you can say bye, bye to littlie tanky toy, somehow not jack; he always comes back form the dead. He crashed it inside out, smashing it engine. That poor wall, I still can remember as it was yesterday. The engine made this funny sound and blew up in jack's face. I bet that poor engine flew up to San Diego. Actually it ending up on a tree, lucky him, the engine didn't fell down back at Jack, which was standing right under it; stupid luck of his.

"Hay, it wasn't my fault," Maor protested, "the fuckin' brakes would work."

"It was classic Scorpion Tank Jack, it always have a choice of stopping it." I said annoyed.

"Hay, did I mentioned hat wall was mocking me?" Maor grinned.

"Which one, is it the one you kept hitting your head at after you got promoted with joy, or the one you didn't see when you were riding the tank?" I grinned.

After that fun ride with the tack, we waited for back up two hours. Unfortunately, jack was the one who got promoted; for been brave. With the stupid luck, behind that very same wall, were four Hunters. Poor Hunters, all is left to bury into their graves is nothing wet spot; pitiful.

"The Tank part you idiotos!" Maor groaned.

"Alright ladies, quit your bragging, let's see what inside." Serge Hisby said.

"Do we have to?" I asked, "I mean, what is something is there that still breaths?"

"Good," Serge grinned, "at least we'll have something for dinner."

After this remark there were groans that followed.

"Alright, let's love in!" Serge ordered, and stepped into the darkness, and followed by three more men.

As you can see, there are only few of us; five died in a crush, and two died by accident in the mountains. That adds up to four. Jack Maor always complained it was the smallest platoon he has ever seen, but even with his gift of humor, he knows he could never hide his sorrow for the fallen comrades. But they didn't know of they'll survive or end up just like the others.

The ship was dark and cold, but not as cold as outside.

"Looks like the controls are busted," Serge said angry, "guess no free tickets back home."

"What the hell are we going to do now?" I asked.

"Fix them," said Tom, "maybe, we could just try and fix them."

"How the fucks are you going to do that, dammed," Said Maor angry, "you've never seen this shit before."

"We could try." Said Tommy confused.

"Birdbrains." Said Maor and found more interesting thing to do but to argue with the fresh pickle. He stared at me what I was doing; I was studying a strange sign, which finally came to my memory.

"Hay look, I found something!" Finally I yelled out.

"What is it marine?" serge asked with incuriosity.

"Its looks like one of these creepy signs." I said and pointed on the wall above us.

"You don't see these things in these days anymore," Said Tom, "I studied them for a while, but even I don't think they belong to the Covenants."

The platoon stared at the sing. God, what does it means?

"I thick I saw one of these." Serge said.

"Serge, we all saw them." Jack said.

"No, I saw it twenty years ago in the news," serge said slowly, like he as trying to teach a dog how to lie down, "guys, it's exactly the same one that they saw in Halo."

"Wha..." I could believe what I heard, "The Halo?"

"Yep son," serge said, "The Halo."

They all stared at the sign so am I; this time without curiosity, but with fear. Something' wasn't right; something bad going to happen, whether we wanted or not. Is the history repeating it self again, or its lucky coincidence? But whatever it is, it's going to be really ugly…

