
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Silver Blooded: Through Human Eyes'

Elite Zov
6:16 pm | June 2, 2004
I know, I know, it does NOT make sence, most stuff. I did't work on it too much. I think the first chapter was the best. I fineshed my next 2. Actually, you need to read all of the chapters to really know what it is about. And for Helljumper, forgot to thank you for the insults. :)
10:35 pm | June 1, 2004
What the Hell?! halfway through or 3/4 of the way through the story made little sense. i mean whaaaaa....?
Elite Zov
6:30 pm | June 1, 2004
It's Marines not Navy stupid-ass, and I was not tring to make it funny.
7:24 pm | May 30, 2004
YOu got half way through, wow u must a high level of patience.

3:32 pm | May 30, 2004
Helljumper is right. Maybe you need to learn more about the Navy. And also, you said "were" instead of "where" in at least 5 different places, and I only got to halfway through the story before I realized it was absolute crap.
2:11 pm | May 30, 2004
First of all its Sarge, not Serge. Second, it was boring and not very funny if thats what you were going for.

