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Fan Fiction

Silver Blooded: The Failure
Posted By: Elite Zov<deepthroat_fox@hotmail.com>
Date: 17 May 2004, 3:43 AM

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DATE: Unknown
PLACE: Unknown
TIME: Unknown

I awoke in the thick darkness. I felt nothing but cold, and I was all alone. Then the memory shot me like a bullet.

"Treacherous slimes," I whispered. But that wasn't a really good time to be angry. Besides, I have better things to do.

I tried to raise my self, but failed. I needed more time, sense my blood got cooler then the usually temperature. I realized then that I was on the cold, metal table that was in the middle of the room. It was dark, and there were controls on the opposite side of the room. They look like they need some repairs, guess some explosions was cooking up hear. Lucky me, I wasn't around to see the fire works.

Somehow I could hear the wind whistling somewhere. Odd, I was supposed to be in space. And how did I block out for so long? I tried to sit up one more time. Success! I looked around the room more carefully: still dark and cold.

How long was I out, how much time had passed? I knew the answer will not satisfy me. But I was on the mission, the mission I knew I failed. But the failure is not an option. I needed more evidence, evidence of my failure. But the memories and confusion started to eat me again, like the toxic waste. Not that is painful, its just makes you confuse even more.

How could they just abandon me? If the ship is in so bad condition, they should have known.

But then it hit me. The ship must have crashed somewhere. I didn't feel nor hear anything except my own breathing and the wind, including the cold and the darkness. Obvious, the engines was dead, and the only thing left to do, it blast through.

Finally, my vision was got sharper when something caught my eye. In the corner there was a Huran. A weak weapon, only 20 pounds and looks like it still works. I walked to it and pick it up. Not too shabby, it had 8% of plasma fuel, enough for one more blow. As I aimed at the wall, the wall gave a little shake, as a chunk of metal ripped through and flue forwards to the freezing snow. When the metal piece landed on the snow, the snow melted around the piece in length of 12 inches, turning it self in to nothing but gas. If there would be piece of meat on that very same metal, it'll be a barbecue by now.

I shivered; it was much colder now then it was before. But as always, I'll adapt. I recognized that place I was gazing at. It was more like one of the Zizagar's places, but I knew I wasn't on Zizagar, I was on Jihurla! Which that was impossible, because the last time I remember, Jihurla wasn't even finish, and it barely had 1/3 of it complete. Jihurla is more like a twin project of Zizagar, which took us 1014 years to build. The first thing I'm concerned about now is why they were in such a hurry of getting Jihurla out to space, and what happened to Zizagar?

The only one reason Jihurla will be out is that Zizagar is no longer exists. And who could destroy it, and why? Zizagar was a weapon of destruction, it should have protected it self. Once more, there is only one reason for that; the suckers got out. And who will let them out, what kind of phthisis moron will do such thing?!

"Pathetic," nothing else will exacerbate me right now like those fools. "Got a nap for a few years, and look what happened." I must have been out for too long. In my calculations, the year must be around 2800. It must have been a year of 1800 when I took a nap. If that is right, I must have slept over 1000 years.

"Guess I snoozed up a little longer then I expected." I joked to my self.

I looked around the beauty; it is truly a wonderful place to live; full with live, and different things from different places, wonderful views. Its takes your breath away while you gaze at the stars above you. And it is only in the middle of the day. How trilling it is going to be at night. I remember how I spent my last night at the Zizagar. It was truly remarkable. Maybe I shouldn't have even marked my signatures. How foolish, then again, I was part of its creation, I was the creator.

Now my mission is changed. I must secure Jihurla in all costs. Now I don't have to worry about Zizagar any more. I just hope I didn't push my luck too far. I just hope I won't meet my misfortune here either, all I can do now, its have a little hope...for survival.

