
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Silver Blooded: The Failure'

12:52 am | July 1, 2004
Elite Zov
2:40 pm | May 22, 2004
Phmm..Why not Helljumper?
9:48 pm | May 21, 2004
hmmm... no comment

Elite Zov
3:47 am | May 21, 2004
Well, thankx CoLd BlooDed. It's my style to write the first person stories. But remember, in some new chpters I'll put few facts, like the next one. and well my main, and i mean MAIN character is in the first chapter. I hope you all enjoy, and I'm gald who already did. :)
1:57 am | May 21, 2004
I had a first person, Old Style my first series
CoLd BlooDed
1:39 am | May 21, 2004
Cool, I liked it, the first person POV was interesting... don't see much of it here on HBO.

The whole "where am I thing" made it mysterious and suspenseful. My only suggestion is that you use the code, I'm not going to explain what it is... I do it too much already.

But see? Your stories ARE better than your poems. ;)
Elite Zov
6:07 pm | May 20, 2004
Hmm..guess no body else read my story. HA! I made a lot of people mad, did't I said to crashworghg that I can make people mad? He did't belive me, and hay, now HE'S mad at me! ;P
Elite Zov
5:42 pm | May 20, 2004
??HUH?? Its not 'touche' you know. You just don't play or rally listen to Halo story.
12:05 am | May 20, 2004
ah touche
Elite Zov
8:11 pm | May 19, 2004
one more thing, you'll get it when i'll finish with the other chapters. still working on them, but i know what to write. and, if you REALLY think about it, and read what my main character saind and expaning, you'll know just waht i meant, and what it is about and even where he is.

good luck.
Elite Zov
6:09 pm | May 19, 2004
Do you think he is a GUY? Think about. And thankx, I'm working on the next chapter now.
1:51 pm | May 19, 2004
But, if this guy went to sleep in 1800 how would he know about plasma?
1:50 pm | May 19, 2004
cryptic, I like it
