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Fan Fiction

The Last Chance Chapter for everything 1: The first move
Posted By: brian murphy<sk8tr1104367@netzero.com>
Date: 25 October 2003, 3:50 AM

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It was About 4:00 already and everyone had to be up. Since the covenant had reached earth they had to be up and ready for attacks. Captain Fredrick Shaw I.D. number 29843 was ready to make the first strike and had 20 marines on station ready to serve, he already had his crew, 30 men. Fredrick had brown hair and light skin. He had a bit of freckles on his face and was pretty tall for a marine. He for some reason always wore a orange wristband, to him it was a goodluck charm. They Where ready to get picked up by echo419 2 foehammer 2 and Zdogg (a new comer to the U.N.S.C.) at 600 hours and were staring to rally up the last of his men. they where about to make assalt on a covenant base they suspected where about to ambush a group of marines.
"Alright every body lets do this" Fredrick said.
"sir what is are plan" Martin said
There where only three pelicans.
"Zdogg, go retreive a scorpian tank for me, echo2 and foehammer2 get me a a warthog, one with a rocket launcher and one with a gunner please." Fred said.
"You got it Shaw." Zdogg said and then they left, at 5300 hours.
About 15 minutes later they came back.
"Every body on (the pelicans) lets move". Shaw said.
It was about a couple hour ride so they had three choices; get some sleep, talk, or just do nothing.
For about fifteen minutes they went over the strategy. Five men on the tank six on the hogs. They would be fireteam oreo delux. They where to hold position until further notice. The first fire team called chance where to move in two bye two with fredrick in front, later they would split up and search the interior of a covenant base they would get attention then call in some 20 men that were ready and have them come right in with the same vehicles as fireteam oreo delux. The rest of the team would move in and help us on foot.
"Lets move go go go."
Time had past since. they were already at the covenant interior.
"You know the rules." Oswald said
"First kill gets an hour more of sleep"
Fredrick had to love that rule, it always got his marines pumped and ready for anything, well more then usuall.
A pack of grunts were sound asleep at their location of the entrance they just snuck in. It was a little odd maybe they did know they where coming so they let them in. they whent through whack the grunts when suddenly an elite that patrolls the area cought there attention. They attomaticly started to fire before it did.
"Hmm was he the only one there?" He thought to himself, all that noise and nothing else happend. Something was wrong he felt it in his gut. They went through several rooms when suddeny a pack of jackels 18 grunts and 19 elites got em.
"Oreo, we are in some heavy !@#$ can you help us if we retreat?."
"Negative, negative we a covered by covies no stoppin'em sorry." "That was all of oreo for a while" he said to himself.
"Damn." he thought to himself
as soon as fredrick went to call for his back up an elite shot him in the gut several times and he blacked out.
"Captain, wake up dust off is in 20 minutes we are not to far now I think we should start to wake the rest up now." Martin said.
Martin was like the Fred's right hand man, always there for him ever since they where little. He had fair skin and blonde hair and wasnt to tall. Him and fred always seemed close together.
As they started to wake up the rest of the squad they where less then 10 minutes away. They where finally at dust off. They unloaded and where starting to head down the hill to the covenants base. It was time to get serious. When they reached the base they thought of a way to get in.
"The roof" He thought to himself.
"A few grenades to open the hatch should do it" Johnson (a long time freind of fred.) said.
"Alright then lets do this" Fred said. They grenades where down. Boom. There was a perfect size hole in there.
"Get your asses in there... double time" he said.
"Sir yes sir!!" they said.
It was time to show the covenant what they where made of.
"Were not going to give up marines, are we?" Martin shouted.
"Hell no" They cried
This was one of those times you dont look back.
