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Fan Fiction

Lan Battle Chapter 3 Chris' Manuevers According to Jesse and his Men
Posted By: Blue Angel<Me_Jesse@msn.com>
Date: 19 November 2003, 11:57 AM

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Chapter 3

Will people this isn't it, I have decided to write one more after this one. Which will be titled 'Desperation'. As for the matter at hand. Chris' forces we had diffently under-estimated. Considering that he and the five had already set up a perfect and very weak line of defense. This was soon proven when i told Scott and Marcus to move in their waves forward Wave one and two moved in and took out Chris' defense in this match of oddball. For the first five minutes that is just an understatement. Thus we gained only fourty five seconds on the clock. As for our attempt to controll the ball we failed. Chris immediately made a new plan and put both ghosts on the level over the portals thrawrting our flanking options. And part of my plan to take Chris' now well place defensive bunker. To explain Chris' forces were defending now the cliffs to the right of the red base. Which means that if any of his men died they could immediately counter attack my lines and cuase havoc for my forces. Strange it seemed when we were winning, my guys would say:oh yea who's the man now baby, or damn where good!. But when where losing they say:man im tired or this is dumb. God dammit those words are the most annoying thing i've ever heard in my years of playing video games. I could also tell Chris was getting tired of hearing the same from his team.
That's just the thing, with troops they all complain about one thing then the next. Its like they want the damn thing handed to them on a silver platter. For like the last ten minutes of the game my whole team, all except for Marcus of course, wanted to quit. Man I almost felt like turning around a beating the shit out of Scott for lowering morale. Man theirs no one worse than him, when it came to complaining. I mean Chris only had five guys with him. And what did we have, oh yeah twelve! Fuck, i was tired i almost burst and killed everyone on my team if it wasn't for my mom who was standing there watching the mayhem. IF she wasn't there i would've started busting heads open with like a sledge hammer or something.

I could tell that when we first started at Sindwinder that Chris was going to win, becuase for some reason our guys just started complaining bout stupid stuff. I could also tell Jesse was getting impatient. I mean they shouldn't be complaining, I mean Jesse was the one who put this thing together. Man, I was about to hit Scott when all of a sudden me and him both broke Chris' defensive line. This was amazing, considering that Chris was in possesion of rockets and needlers.
Soon after this though Chris and his men attacked and we didnt even get enough time to hold the darn thing. I would say it was Zach's fault for us losing the ball. The dumbass didnt even defend Jesse while he retreated to the other cliff. By meaning defend i mean, standing in their way and firing; however he did exactly the opposite. Instead he attacked their right flank, this was a big mistake. Chris countered with Bear, and Doug, and Jack, who took out Zach in the tank. When in possesion of the tank, they immediately took out the other and took that one as will. Jesse was very mad because our defenses broke on the ground, and before Jesse could even make it to the top of the cliff, Collin came running up laughing, right behind Jesse and killed him with his rocket. Then he immediately with no orders got the ball back to Floyd, and the rest of his forces at the other cliff. Now I could tell Jesse was pissed at Zach and Drome for falling apart like that. The rest wasn't to hard to explain, but I'll leave that upto Jesse to finish.

Man, and I thought I was getting the wrap. Zach was the real reason why we lost. Besides my complaining, Zach didn't even listen to a word Jesse even said. He would respond to him with the worst disrespect ever. He would say:" Will, its just a game", he almost sounded like he had PMS or something. God dammit he's such an asshole, and very sarcastic from my point of view. It may had of been a game but this was for victory, some little idiots stupidity. I mean that why Jesse made me and Marcus his second and third in command cause besides our constent bitching, we actually obeyed orders. That little asshole was very stupid, I swear he didn't even listen to anything we were saying even Collin. Althought, Collin was on the other team. When they regained the flag we were in what Jesse called last minute Desperation. We frantically attacked with one massive five man wave after the next besides our tanks. who couldn't even reach red teams defensive height. And as for our attacks themselves, they didn't even affect Chris' forces at all. Plus adding that Chris put ghosts over both portals. That for his part was very smart, and Brave, because if we were to take that cliff they would have to have one of their own move the ghost, and then move it back after everyone was through the portal. However this wouldn't have to be done, but I will let Jesse finish the final thoughts of this battle.

Next Chapter: Chapter 4 Desperation and Defeat.
