
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Lan Battle Chapter 3 Chris' Manuevers According to Jesse and his Men'

Blue Angel
7:05 am | November 23, 2003
Here how it should be.
You didn't pay attention in school either did you! It is spelt phoenix not phonix@ Get it right!Jesus Christ!
We are British and proud! We won the rugby nananananaananan! Your such losers!
Are you Alaskan?
You should read phoenix89uks story. its great!Not! We no him, he goes to our school, he's a freak, so don't worry, its not uncommon.

For an English man you really need to uphold your self or else, you'll seem like a dumbass. Writing with words, like gr8 or r u. really learn how to write correctly, if you wish to write a true writers comment. I mean your British for Christ sake, you should be more cautious when you write. Just a suggestion.
tah tah for now.
Blue Angel
7:02 am | November 23, 2003
damn you spelt everything wrong in that comment dumbass
Excuse me!
8:30 pm | November 22, 2003
U ddnt pay attention in school either did u!! It is spelt phoenix not phonix!!! Get it rite! Jesus Christ!
We r british and pround!! We won the rugby nananananananan! u r such losers!!
R u frm Alaska!!
U shud read phoenix89uks story!!! Its gr8! NOT!! We no him, he goes 2 our skool, hes a freak 2 so dnt worry, its not uncommon!!
Blue Angel
2:01 pm | November 21, 2003
you know what i just noticed. the time on these things. it says i posted my message at 1:52 pm. but really its 5:03 am here in Alaska. odd
Blue Angel
1:52 pm | November 21, 2003
now correct me on all my mistakes. please. and comments on my writing. just none of that bullshit stuff like last time. you know when that dude told me, 'hoked on fonix'. sorry buddy, but its hooked on phonix. guess you didnt pay attention in school that well.
thanks and tah tah for now. :)
