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Fan Fiction

Lan Battle Chapter 2 Jesse's Plan
Posted By: Blue Angel<Me_Jesse@msn.com>
Date: 18 November 2003, 5:05 AM

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Chapter 2

Well i guess this is where i come in to tell you of my tactics and downsides. 'Downsides being a very careful word of mind, considering that i alone would have to answer for my misprehaps of this particular game. Now when the day of the big event began i alone took it into my own hands to set up the days battle plans. Also that i already knew, or thought i knew what the outcome was to be. Chris was setting there grinning at me for the whole of the six minutes it took to make the games on the game, which for everyones knowledge was the greatest games ever made in the new millenea.
After writing these games and making the necessary calls to all who would participate in that days events, i demanded that my mother make me breakfast. Eventhough to most this would be a premature way to ask for such things. Some would say I acted with stupidity to 'demand' such things. But as for my mother she knew that i was just joking, but for being the mother she immediately made breakfast for me. This probably being the first time i was awake to eat breakfast. She made breakfast only in my achievement of waking this early.
As for the day itself it worked out quite smoothly if you were to ask me. The first of many to arrive was Chris' right hand Collin and my tank specialist Zach. These name you already learned of in the first story. Then came my right man and second in command Marcus Johnson. He brought with him his brother Drome, who would win the days events for us, or as i said before as so i thought.
Next to arrive thanks to my hassiling and announances of state of being, was my Special ops Director Scott Joseph. Then the usual was already there considering the one who were already there, were chris' men Henry the 3rd,Floyd and Doug JR.,and their couisin Jack. Who i might say i dont personally know that well... As for the rest they all arrived according to the first chapter.
The setting up was quite easy and fast. After making all the necessary arrangements we all agreed upon the leaders, eventhough we already all knew who the leaders were at the time. Me and Chris of course. Then we agreed to spend five minutes making plans on the games we were about to play.
My plan was simple to me, however to my men my plans were a bit complicated. For the first game i planned that we would take our tank and warthog to the enemy bases hilltop, and supress the enemy into a bottle neck. then we would send five men to the red basse and attack from the front. Then when in possesion of the flag we would immediately fall back like so. First the ones with the flag bearer would obiviously defend the flag bearer but of course. But i was referring to the ones that were still alive. This plan we would repeat a few thousand times till we wont the single flag match.
This plan mostly didnt work considering that chris already knew what i was doing and countered my moves, so i told everyone, except for Scott and Marcus, to rush the enemy base. Also putting into fact they acquired our tank, thanks to the bullheadedness of Zach who said he was a superb driver, and ended up handing them the tank with honors of course. Who was i kidding my team sucked ass. They all wined when started to lose all except for Marcus, thats why he's my right hand, and my second in command. The first game went quite smootly, we won 15 to 5. This was an upset to chris' men, all of them conplained and wined about losing. Saying,"Oh we lost cause they had twelve and we didnt." as for Chris i told him long ago not to worry about the brats and winers. Those were the types who always lost for the team, however with encouragement they could come back with honors of true valor.
The next game was oddball, at sidewinder. Sidewinder was the place where i made my plans the night before. Same as Chris to my suprise. Will i have only one thing to say the next story will top off this series, I think but will just have to see.

Next chapter:
Chris' Valor and Intellict View by Jesse.
