
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Lan Battle Chapter 2 Jesse's Plan'

Blue Angel
6:00 am | November 21, 2003
thanks to everyone for your comments and the low score of course. ' I think I will send you my next one so you may edit it.
and tah tah for now.
10:05 pm | November 20, 2003
Oops, forgot the score.

9:56 pm | November 20, 2003
Did you mean etiquette? If you did, it doesn't mean "manners"; it means "The practices and forms prescribed by social convention or by authority."

Anyway, on to the story.

Rule Number One: Indent the paragraphs.

Rule Number Two: When the letter "I" is used alone (I went to the store. Cathy and I are best friends) always capitalize the "I".

I think I should stop right there, otherwise I'm going to run the risk of rewriting the entire story.

You should take the few moments to look over your story and proofread to make sure you get some errors cleaned out. Then you should run it through a grammar/spell checker to make sure you get the rest.

Or you could send it to a fellow H.B.O fan-fic fan and have them look over it. I'd do it for you, just send it to Hawk7886@hotmail.com and I'd edit it and send it back to you.
12:36 pm | November 20, 2003
I listen to Carmina Burana, Mozart, Beethoven, and some others as far as classical goes.

I don't really have a favorite group/band, I just listen to whatever I like.
11:08 pm | November 19, 2003
not bad man not bad
u seem to be kinda new maybe
doin good spreadin ur name around
stories arent that bad either
keep workin at it
Blue Angel
10:34 am | November 19, 2003
man right now im listing to the best of movies classical music. hell yeah for Povverati, and the theme to GTA3!!!!!!! and im indulging in this music im also sitting here thinking of the title to the next story, what kind of music do all of you listen to? Go ahead and leave your thoughts here on my comments section i dont mind.
Blue Angel
10:25 am | November 19, 2003
now for this story i am going to write the next one tonight. as for the other one im still looking a few things over to write it.
so read my story and critize me on any mistakes i made please. and for you assholes dont acted dumb please. repeat after me. eddict. which of course means manners.
till next time.
tah tah for now.
