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Fan Fiction

Eldar Councels Log Part 1-Aluvatar's Awakening
Posted By: Blue Angel<Me_Jesse@msn.com>
Date: 14 November 2003, 1:59 PM

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Year:1362 A.D.
Place:North America
Perpose of entry:Unknown Origin...Found strang device of some kind may-........... entry lost.

Soldiers entry found amoungst destroyed fort in N.Americanus.

"What the hell is it commander?" the squad sergent said as he drawed his sword in horror. He and his entire legion were sent by the government of Athens and Sparta to investigate some kind of disturbance in what the elders called the force or something.
But whatever they were investgating they sure as hell didnt want to be there any longer than they had arrived at the precise location. This may not be of any use but the entire legion wasn't allowed to leave considering the fact they were ordered by the elders themselves.
At any cost they couln't leave because of the men they brought with their fleet a group of men known only as the Unakai Dyre Avengers. These men were more than elite warriors, but fanatics at the most part; instead of wearing the occasional armour and banners like the rest of the men, these strange men and women wore a strange armour they called the Avatars Bane.
We at the most part didnt understand why they were supposed to come with us but they proved to be at the most part useful in our journey. When we first arrived here in this strange and forbidden land, we came upon a large civilation known as the Aluvatariul Particus. The Avengers said that it mean the (guardians of the Aluvatar.)
Instead of kill us all they simply stepped aside and said a prayer and bowed not to us but the Unakai warriors. Strange it is, that such people would not fell hostile to us in such a place of forbidden beauty. Our main commander said to set up camp and build a fort near the main city of the Aluvataruil Particus. So in such obiedance to our main commander we did such as he said. In less than four days we had an active fortress to defend ourselves against anything event the very peaceful people we now live next to. The Unakai Strongly urged us to fight with full force if the city came upon us.
Strange as it may be but i thought that the Unakai were crazy, but they were just being cuasius. The most perculiar thing is that the Unakai can speak almost every language in the known world, and were expert mariners of the forbidden sea. They seemed also able to speak languages from here as will.
Year:1363 A.D.
Place:North America
Time:15:35 pm
Location: Fort Octnus Sigmus Teranus
Account by Unknown Unakai Warrior, possible Leader or Second in command-

The year is now 1363 A.D. the year of our Lord God of the heavens. We of Fort Octnus Sigmus Teranus, have now been here for one year of the earth. We are now studying the Aluvatar Computer as so called by the Eldars Of the Unakai. As for the study which has proved much educational we have learned how to turn on the main console inside the main temple hall. We have set The Hoplite phalax forces on high alert yesterday, however the strange howlings which seemed to go on mostly at night are now procluding. But the strange and most untrusted thing of the whole manner is the city of Aluvanti Perisa is now at war with its all the the Valinor, they say the Valinor has unlocked the acient secrets of the Elders Scrolls found up north in the land of the last remance of our people Unavatar or as we call them the Keepers of the light and defenders of Dothonai Valley Gate. These events have been most distrut but we at the fort are holding out.
As for the main question we are now about to turn on the main console.

"Master Unkateekona, the main console is now online," said Sergent Uknatillah as he returned to his position and barked more orders to his troops, "Men set perimeter, put all forces of defense pattern Alphus Betus type d34s!"
The main commander Unkateekona knew that when they main console activates it will scan the room for any pure desendants of the true Unakai.
Main Systems, activated....(All programs are now functional)
Main ai.progam activated....
Main voice system check.....
error in system section 13434546562l09234.4343.346.j
alternate process on
scanning room for pure blood.....
scanning complete....pure blood found now activating main ai. Lucian Dorivian...1011101032021650

" Ah yes at last you finally turn-" said the main ai as it sprang out of nowhere on top of the consoles key command pad, "who in bloody hell are all of you,it said it scanned pure bloods?!"
Not knowing what to say but just stand there in awe and fear of the main ai Master Unkateekona, had no clue of what to say but, "hi."
"Hi....Hi....what the world is going on here?" now distrot by the main commanders words, the ai growls in anger, "what in blazes is going on here, what year is it?"
"Ah... it is...Ah...1363 sir." said Unkateekona now thinking that he had made a terrible mistake with his actions. Started to bow and ask for forgiveness when the ai said to stand
"dear boy im not mad, thank you by the way." the main commander didnt know what to think now what on earth is this being or whatever it is, was talking about, "ok then, so lets go over a few things-"
end of entry.
