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Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Eldar Councels Log Part 1-Aluvatar's Awakening'

4:23 am | November 16, 2003
You know me, always one to help.

Also, I just posted Countdown Earth: Hour Five and Thirty Minutes. I think it's good. With a nod at your suggestion. Some side stories opened up here with this one. So check it out when it's posted.
2:41 am | November 16, 2003
Just the random comment to lighten the atmosphere, eh, Mainevent? Heh heh.
2:24 am | November 16, 2003
I like Buffalo wings...
6:11 pm | November 15, 2003
I'll add one last comment: you beleive the land bridge theory, correct? Well, so do we, in a form. We beleive it at least very likely that peoples came to the Americas from other continents, and other peoples were here besdies those I mentioned. I mean, the farthest north that was every documented in our scripture was New York, where the last of the Nephites, a dying General named Moroni, buried the records of the peoples. But then again, if he never got to Canada, he wouldn't know about the other people, would he? So, I beleive we're both right. I didn't win, we both did. Sounds much more friendly, don't it?
6:09 pm | November 15, 2003
Nah, my PC is too darn slow... and it was mostly my fault, man. I shouldn't have gotten into religion in the first place... this time I made the mistake of ignoring the warning sirens blaring inside my skull. Anyway, hope to see more from you, because this was an interesting piece.

Semper Fi


PS: Welcome to HBO...
6:04 pm | November 15, 2003
by the way do you play halo for pc? and i am deeply sorry for have leading on bout our peoples and our differences. but you have managed quite well if you ask me... by the way i wasnt pissed at all:)
Blue Angel
6:02 pm | November 15, 2003
toochae.......well done lad. you seemed of bested me at this debate which started when you said i was copying someone elses work but toochae indeed.
5:53 pm | November 15, 2003
I DIDN'T ACCUSE ANYBODY OF ANYTHING! Jeeze, we have two different versions of the history of the people of the Americas. I didn't say youe were rats or anything like that! I think I need to calm down, and you a little bit, too. My people, being the Mormons, committed a lot less crime against the American Indians than the rest of the white people, or anybody else, and the Utes even more than once asked us to help them slaughter American colonists from Missouri, the same who slaughtered us about twenty years before! Unfortunately some of our rogues did. But that's beside the point. Okay, you beleive you came from one place, and I beleive you came from another. Does it ever even talk of a land bridge anywhere in your tales? If I have offended you I am truly sorry. BUT THESE ARE MY ANCESTORS, TOO. We're all in the same boat, just at different ends of it.
Blue Angel
5:51 pm | November 15, 2003
out of all my years studying the acient texts of my people in alaska, you of all people have to say such inaccurate jestures. and further more im sorry for calling you that by the way im just very tired of listing to such acusaions towards the people who first inhabited these lands.
5:50 pm | November 15, 2003
Okay, blaspheme this and heresy that... but "your people" are NOT the whole of the American Indians. Maybe what I beleive is not the same as your tribal cultures, and quite very likely not in agreement with legends, or, in your case, fact, as you said with me, but that's no reason to go off calling me a white bastard. I didn't say anything against American Indians, being that I'm:

A) Part Indian
B) Not a racist


C) Not an idiot

So why the argument?
Blue Angel
5:48 pm | November 15, 2003
a challenge a of a sort and im an american idian. and what you speak is heresy and blaspheme of all sorts against my people you white bastard.
Blue Angel
5:48 pm | November 15, 2003
a challenge a of a sort and im an american idian. and what you speak is heresy and blaspheme of all sorts against my people you white bastard.
Blue Angel
5:48 pm | November 15, 2003
a challenge a of a sort and im an american idian. and what you speak is heresy and blaspheme of all sorts against my people you white bastard.
5:44 pm | November 15, 2003
Look: I'm sure that these texts you are talking about did or do exist and were found by that one explorer and your friend's dad has studied them very closely. That's all I know from what you've told me. What I told you was that our religion beleives that three people: Jaredites, Nephites, and Lamanites came to the Americas from the other continents. First the Jaredites, then a few hundred years later, the Nephites, who had a group that broke off into the Lamanites, ancestors of the American Indians. I don't understand much more of what you're saying, and you probably don't understand me either... so what's this dare?
5:42 pm | November 15, 2003
Full texts of...?
5:42 pm | November 15, 2003
yes but it is just fiction if some may ask.
and in all our studies on earth the imgination of child can be expanded by reading.

will cheerio lads and tah tah for now
5:39 pm | November 15, 2003
Blue Angel
5:39 pm | November 15, 2003
then send me an email at Me_Jesse@msn.com with full texts and such if you dare
5:37 pm | November 15, 2003
I didn't criticize it... where did you get that from?
5:37 pm | November 15, 2003
if you may ask most of what i write is far from the true story of the unakai and the story of Para Dacta Prime and the spartans in the US long ago. but it does not stray to far from the truth
5:35 pm | November 15, 2003
I mean, I beleive you about those texts talking about Aluvatar and whatever.
5:35 pm | November 15, 2003
Since it is loosely entwined with my religion.
Blue Angel
5:35 pm | November 15, 2003
then why critize with such a foolish attitude toward something you dont understand as of yet
5:35 pm | November 15, 2003
But then again I'm NOT willing to ask...
5:33 pm | November 15, 2003
Okay, what I meant was I don't feel comfortable talking to people introduced to me by other people I don't know over the internet. Sorry.
Blue Angel
5:33 pm | November 15, 2003
no he cant post his fathers work but just ask he would be willing to tell.
Blue Angel
5:32 pm | November 15, 2003
will ask him anyway.
5:32 pm | November 15, 2003
Well, I would, but I don't know him. Does he have a website maybe?
Blue Angel
5:32 pm | November 15, 2003
will ask him anyway.
5:30 pm | November 15, 2003
Well, I dunno what those texts said... I'm just sayin' what I beleive.
Blue Angel
5:28 pm | November 15, 2003
Ah no ask my friend Luethelian Artestes his father is a procure of those sub texts. His email is Luethelian@msn.com
5:24 pm | November 15, 2003
Yeah, that would be the Nephites, Jaredites, and Lamanites... being Mormon we have a whole other book of scripture about those guys.
Blue Angel
5:17 pm | November 15, 2003
Actually gentlemen Aluvatar is an acient sub text found somewhere in South America by one of those dudes who invaded the place he said in one of his letters that the sub text spoke of an ancient people who once lived in all of N and S America.
Oh yeah sory bout the grammar
5:06 pm | November 15, 2003
Yeah, I think he got the wrong fanfic site to begin with... Aluvatar? Eldar? Words from Tolkien's "The Silmarillion". Except he spelled Iluvatar wrong. Jeeze, man, come up with your own ideas.

Semper Fi

1:45 pm | November 15, 2003


Please work on those.

And also, when using military time as you attempted to, you don't have to put AM or PM, as anything over 1200 is PM and anything under 1200 is AM.
