
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Posted By: Awacar<t.alvner@swipnet.se>
Date: 8 March 2004, 10:54 AM

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Oh Prophet, have you ever been in war?
Have you ever seen the darkness?
Have you ever felt the despair?
The glory that you said would be, can there be less?

You spoke of glory, you spoke of honour,
but what there is, is nothing but pain.
Blood have been shed, blood have been flowing,
we bleed less, but if we win, what do we gain?

Oh Prophet, have you ever doubted like me?
Doubting about taking orders,
doubting about shooting, about killing?
Shouldn't I enjoy killing the ones who cross our borders?

With broken bones we have fought,
we have risked our lives for survival.
Our gods owe us thanks for what we have done,
but of our deeds, you are in denial.

Oh Prophet, do you know,
what this war has to take?
Effort? Lives? More?
Are you ready to put the Covenant at stake?

I heard wine flow when I thought that you would bring us victory,
I saw smile and happiness when I thought that you were right,
but the only red I've seen is anger, and blood,
but I've not seen smiles, I've not seen happiness, I've seen fight.

Oh Prophet, did you realize what would happen?
Did you know about the screams, the cracking of bone pipes?
Was the truth kept away?
Now, everyone stand and away his tears wipes.

I've stood on the front, seeing flesh ripped open,
seeing fighters stamp on their own loose guts before they fall,
hearing screams of dying, and yells asking for help.
Pain and misery, is that really all?

Oh Prophet, can't you tell me:
Where did glory leave us behind?
Where did hope follow suit?
Where did I have to start fighting the sanity of my mind?

You spoke with great words, and you convinced us
that you knew right from wrong.
We have not yet seen the truth,
you did mean for this to be, all along.

Oh Prophet, have you felt real pain?
Have you experienced what you led us to?
Have you seen your friends perish?
Even though I don't like you, I hope you'll never do.

Now we stand in a war, which we don't know why we fight,
which we don't know if it's worth to win.
We are superior; we are winners by instinct,
but you've made the reasons for winning thin.

Oh Prophet, do you think you know,
what prize we'll get?
What will we get for all the times we were in pain,
'cause you lured us in when "The stage was set"?

Sand and dust, all have got in my wounds, draining my powers,
increasing the devoid of hope.
Anger rise in me as you force me to go on,
don't you know what's beyond ones scope?

Oh Prophet, what do you get for all of this?
What do you want so much,
that it's worth killing people for it?
The glory I thought you desired, is there such?

You led us into war, cold bloody war.
We have fought, we have been failed, now, we lie and bleed.
Can you tell me what drives you?
Honour, glory, hope... or greed?

Oh Prophet, was this what you hoped for?
You have put people in doubt, in despair,
in war, even in death.
But to you, all of this is fair, as long as you don't get your share.

I'll fight for the best of my own,
for the best of my race.
I'll keep on fighting,
my own gore covering my face.

Oh Prophet, you made me fight these battles,
but I won't like fighting for you any more,
since I have realized, that your pride
is all I'll do it for.

There is no glory, no deeds, no wine.
Just horrors, pain, death and blood,
and the false pretence,
that we do this in the name of some god.

Oh Prophet, you spoke of heroic deeds,
but I see no heroes in this war.
I see no glory, but what I see,
is a ruler who plays with tin soldiers, that is all that are.

Glory left us when we fought alone,
without friends to share the battles,
to share the burden, to ease the pain.
Glory left me when my friends started their death rattles.

Oh Prophet, we have no hope,
that thing left us long ago.
"Keep on fighting, it will be over with soon."
How can you tell us so?

I'm fighting the logic part of my mind,
'cause keep on battling... that's insane.
Though I have my orders, orders to go on,
when all comes along, live or die - to me - that does the same.

But Prophet, know that I'll soon be out of your reign,
glory don't seduce me anymore, I long to perish in fight.
Happiness doesn't appeal, since I know that all my choices will lead to pain.
I want to die, and I'll embrace it, as I'll get out of your sight.
