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Fan Fiction

Part 1: On Angel's Wings
Posted By: Aonghus Maher<aonghus@gofree.indigo.ie>
Date: 17 January 2004, 6:15 PM

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Holding position above the planet, glinting as it caught the light of the distant sun, the Angel's Wings was an awe inspiring sight to any who could see it. While only a comparitavly small ten kilometers what it lacked in size it made up for with firepower. Bristling with swiveling gun turrets, studded with hundreds of the hexagonical Archer missle launcher pods, carrying five Shiva nuclear warheads and, slung below the the carrier's body, the MAC, or magnetic acceleration cannon, was ready to fire. Between the black void of space and the interior of the ship was a meter of solid titanium A plating.
"And it all counts for nothing." Said captain Lucan bitterly as he went over the ship's armament in his head.
Strongbo, the Angel's Wings AI, popped into view above the hologram tank. His projected self was a broad shouldered warrior in chain mail with a quiver full of arrows and a bow slung across his back. He looked up from a large tome and the lines of code that streamed down it.
"It doesn't matter, Strongbo. How long until they arrive?"
Strongbo consulted the book in his hands.
"I estimate that the Covenant attack force will enter normal space in five minutes."
Lucan sighed and opened a COM channel to the Loki, the Hammer and the Flame of Hope, the three destroyers that also stood guard over the planet.
"Lucan here. Listen up, people. Company will be arriving in five minutes. I want all weapons ready to fire by that time."
Lucan listened to the affirmative replies before closing the COM channel.
"Weapon status?"
"All Archers are armed, the safety has been removed from one of our Shivas and the MAC is fully charged. We're ready for them, sir." Replied Lucan's second in command.
"Covenant ships entering normal space in five...four...three...two...one."
Green motes of light appeared and gathered. Suddenly there was a flash and the five Covenant ships, four frigates and a carrier, materialised in front of the four human ships.
"Course of action?" Inquired Strongbo.
"Target one of the frigates and fire the MAC."
"Yes sir."
The Angel's Wings shook as the heavy cannon fired. The projectile joined the three others that soared across the view screen. Three of them struck the same frigate, destroying the shields and splitting the hull. The fourth slammed into the frigate on the other side of the carrier. The shields took the force as the three frigates turned their side towards the human ships. Red light wan along their hulls, joining and flying off as a powerful ball of fire.
"Evasive manouvers!"
The Angel's Wings port engines blasted it sideways and out of the three plasma missiles' path. The missiles swerved around and raced back towards the ship. The Loki shot ahead of them, in front of the Angel's wings. Lucan gaped at it.
"What is he doing? They'll all be killed."
"Negative, sir. I'm reading lifeboats dropping towards the surface of the planet."
The Loki's hull melted and warped as the plasma missiles hit it. It degenerated into a ball of molten slag within seconds. Lucan turned back to the forward view screen.
"What's the MAC charge?"
"Ready to fire, sir."
"Fire at will."
Again the ship shook, this time with the cannon aimed at the frigate who's shields had already been weakened. The heavy slug struck the Covenant ship in the engines, blasting it apart. The Hammer and the Flame of Hope fired their MACs as well, both at the same target. The frigate was torn apart by the combined force.
"Fire Archer missile pods A1 to A10."
"Yes sir. Missiles away."
The missiles streamed across the intervening space, hitting the last remaining Covenant frigate and exploding with destrcutive force. The alien ship's shields glowed, repeling the attack. Lucan opened a COM channel to the Hammer and the Flame of Hope.
"Fire your missiles at the frigate. We need it destroyed."
The frigate powered up its weapon as the missiles flew towards it. It was a race of life and death. Lucan gripped the arm rests of his seat.
"Fire Archer pods B1 to C10."
Lucan's missiles joined the others as they soared towards the alien ship. The shields fell after the first two vollies. The hull held for a moment as Lucan's missiles pounded into it but then a great rent opened in it. Secondary explosions made sections of the hull bulge out before the ships superstructure gave out. Lucan shielded his eyes as the ship exploded in a minature supernova. He looked out through the forward view screen, trying to figure out what was wrong. He continued to look out through the view screen as he spoke to Strongbo.
"Didn't a carrier arrive with that force?"
"It did sir. I was just about to raise the point. One moment. Scanning for Covenant engine signatures. Oh dear."
Lucan turned his head sharply to face the AI.
"It appears that the carrier has landed on the planet's surface."
"What?! Why?"
"I believe that they know about the hidden inteligence center."
"But if they find that..."
"They find Earth, sir." Finished the AI.
To be continued...
