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Search results for brian morden
Showing results 1 - 25 of 34 matches March 5, 2025 Link to this post The Autumn! She's been hit! Sometimes I'm amazed this site is still online; it launched in 1999, more than a quarter-century ago, and although it's not quite as lively as it once was, it's still visited by people who love the Halo franchise and love the creations that have been brought into being via that franchise. I have thousands of good memories associated with this site and its community... but few are as cherished as the lanfest I was invited to in 2001, where we celebrated the final chemo treatment of Brian Morden. (If you don't recognize the name, type it into the search bar here; there are plenty of links.) We honor him every February 15, with a symbol on this website... but today I listened to a podcast where his best childhood friend, Brian Johnson, remembered him and his contribution to the Halo universe, and I was reminded, again, how powerful hope can be. (It really couldn't have come at a better time, so huge thanks to Brian - well, both Brians - to the Twenty Thousand Hertz podcast, and to Adam Daniel, who brought it to my attention.) Go listen. it's a great story. (Louis Wu 17:01:36 UTC)
February 15, 2016 Link to this post 'The Autumn, She's Been Hit' 'Heroes were born in the fire and bloodshed of the wars which followed, and their names and deeds will never be forgotten.'
- Myth: The Fallen Lords Prologue If you've been around here at HBO for any amount of time, you've probably seen the <3 logo pop up every February 15th, and each year we as a community reflect on the life of Brian Morden in remembrance. If you're not sure what Brian 'Ar-Isildur' Morden meant to this community, check out the page set up to help us never forget. (MacGyver10 22:11:52 UTC)
February 15, 2013 Link to this post Still Fulfilling His Destiny Newer readers might be curious about the watermark in the background of the front page today, while Bungie.org veterans will probably just give a wink, smile, or respectful nod to a day so many will always remember. Today marks the 10th anniversary that the Bungie fan community lost one of its bravest, Brian Morden, to Ewing's Sarcoma. Brian's spirit forged pathways into the hearts of many, and remains something that will never die. Last year, mad.max wrote up a small summary for those interested in knowing more. Note that the link in that post to the Brian Morden Foundation seems to be borked, but this one works just fine. Thanks in particular to Macguyver10 who kicked off the trip down memory lane this morning. RIP, Brian. You are truly Mythic. (GrimBrother One 15:38:41 UTC)
February 15, 2012 Link to this post Thanks For The Continuing Legacy, Brian We start off today's news on a more emotional note... HBO stalwart mad.max paid us a visit to remind us all that it's been a staggering nine years ago now since the Halo - and more specifically Bungie - community lost one of its brightest beacons, Brian Morden, or *Ar-Isildur as he was known to many. His post gives a link as well to the Foundation set up in his name. If you were never privileged to meet his acquaintance, you'll want to check out this link, which will give you a glimpse into this amazing person's life. If you get a chance, stop by the forums and celebrate his legacy by sharing a story. Leaving readers with a good memory and a big smile has to be the best way to remember such an awesome friend. (GrimBrother One 19:30:34 UTC)
June 16, 2011 Link to this post Bungiedayathon website comes online
We mentioned a few days ago that FyreWulff would be hosting a 12-hour Bungiedayathon (before Bungie Day) to raise money for the Brian Morden Foundation - he stopped by last night to announce that the website is now up. You can see schedules, embedded vids (when he's actually playing), and donate. Check it out!
(Louis Wu 13:31:37 UTC)
June 13, 2011 Link to this post Playing for Fun and Profit
FyreWulff let us know that he plans to hold a 12-hour Bungiedayathon, a couple of weeks before Bungie Day, to raise money for the Brian Morden Foundation. Swing by his post for an itinerary, and more info!
(Louis Wu 17:57:24 UTC)
February 15, 2011 Link to this post Resquiat In Pacem This is somewhat of a tough post to make, as in many ways I don't feel as qualified to speak to the memory adaquetely enough. 8 years ago, the Bungie (and by extension Halo) Community lost one of its brightest stars to Ewing's Sarcoma. Brian Morden was nothing if not a model community member, and friend to all who were blessed enough to cross his path. Our own Miguel Chavez has put up a very well written post to honor and remember Brian in all the best ways. If you have a moment, definitely stop by and pay tribute to a forever friend. (GrimBrother One 17:59:04 UTC)
November 18, 2010 Link to this post BMF Noble Fundraiser Results and stats
Didn't remember to post this on Tuesday, when FyreWulff announced it - but his Noble Fundraiser (with funds going to the Brian Morden Foundation) ended up bringing in $301 from generous Halo fans - nicely done! Read FW's post for a full breakdown. (Louis Wu 17:22:38 UTC)
July 7, 2010 Link to this post Bungie Dayathon 2010: Going on now!
Just a reminder: FyreWulff's Bungie Dayathon 2010 is under way; he's about to start playing Oni, and a large block of Halo is following that directly. Go watch, go contribute - all money goes to the Brian Morden Foundation! (Louis Wu 17:34:28 UTC)
June 7, 2010 Link to this post Bungiedayathon 2010
FyreWulff wants to raise money for the Brian Morden Foundation - and he wants you to help. He's going to be playing the entire Marathon Trilogy, plus all the Halo games, during Bungie Day 2010 (July 7, 2010) - and is looking for sponsors. Check out his post! (Louis Wu 14:38:33 UTC)
February 15, 2010 Link to this post 7 years of missing you Per tradition, today we note the passing of stalwart friend Brian Morden. Known by his tag ∗Ar-Isildur, Brian was a regular on our forums, dispensing of his youthful wisdom to all around. A Bungie fan first and a Halo fan second, Brian shared with many of us a love of video games and the social interaction it fostered. Thus all the more painful seven years ago when Brian succumbed to Ewing's Sarcoma at the age of 19.
So if you weren't around then, you're probably asking who exactly is Brian? This is a great page that covers everything Brian, including my story of visiting his hometown to attend his memorial - where those in his personal and internet life intersected. Here on H.B.O. you can pull up all mentions of Brian. Next, visit the Brian Morden Foundation and join the cause to fund cancer research as well as support those afflicted with Ewing's Sarcoma. And finally, while you're there, please sign the guestbook and let folks know he's still remembered.
Personally, if I can share a moment of honesty with you, I feel I have failed to properly redirect this remembrance. While his passing was a terrible loss to us and worthy of note, I'd rather we celebrate Brian's spirit, and what better way than to note his birthday, January 10, 1984. Seeing as this is the 7th anniversary of his passing, I think it's fitting that we 'retire' this annual post, and I will strive to change when we remember Brian henceforth. (Ding 17:34:15 UTC)
March 4, 2008 Link to this post You Can Has Recon. So... remember that auction we held recently, for a piece of Mister Chief artwork, with proceeds going to charity? Well, the price for that puppy took off after someone asked "if I buy it, can I have Recon armor?" and Frankie said "of course." The guy who bought it, though, bandicat... he's just a nice guy, a member of the US Armed Forces, and he was bidding on this thing to help out the Brian Morden Foundation. He didn't even have a LIVE account. When the dust settled, he found himself $6100 poorer (although for a very good cause), and in possession of a suit of armor usable only on a service he didn't have access to. Ouch! Well... his awkward ownership is your good fortune. Bungie looked at his situation, and did two things: they gave him a LIVE account to go with that Recon armor... and they gave him permission to sell it. Which means you can buy it. I would hazard a guess that this will be the only time, ever, that you'll be able to BUY Recon armor, with Bungie's blessing. You've got 5 days - get to bidding. Update: wow - looks like eBay pulled the listing, claiming a copyright violation. Hopefully, this will be cleared up soon. (Louis Wu 02:13:52 UTC)
February 16, 2008 Link to this post Fine, I'll play K.o.t.H.
Today's installment of Another Halo Comic Strip looks at game variants you'll probably be happy that Bungie skipped. As a bonus, there's also a very touching memorial to Brian Morden - ZZoMBiE13 didn't know him, but was moved by his story. ZZoMBiE13... you rock. (Louis Wu 14:28:14 UTC)
February 16, 2008 Link to this post A note to a friend As per tradition, today (it's still the 15th in my corner of the world) we remember our good friend Brian Morden, aka *Ar-Isildur. Five years ago the evil that is cancer, specifically Ewing's Sarcoma won the battle and took this 19 year old young man. But not the war. Never. Sign the guestbook if you feel moved to do so. Or you can post on a thread Skav started a few days back.
I'm now heading out to meet some old friends for a few drinks and to hear some bands. They don't know it yet, but I'm gonna tell them about my brave friend, and what he, in his youth, was able to teach this old man about perseverance and faith. And love. Peace to you Brian, peace to you, brutha. (Ding 01:30:26 UTC)
February 9, 2008 Link to this post Mister Chief For Charity!
Frank O'Connor, in a fit of charity, decided to create an honest-to-goodness real-media-on-canvas rendition of Mister Chief... and give you a chance to buy it. Not only that, but the money that you spend on this masterpiece will be going to the Brian Morden Foundation, which fights Ewing's Sarcoma and other childhood cancers. (If you'd like to read more about how Brian Morden has affected the Halo community, swing by Bungie Sightings, and pick from the links on the right.) This piece is titled "Here Lies the Last Sip of the Bourgeoisie Malaise Consommé." After you study it for a while, I'm sure you'll understand where that came from. Go bid; you've got a week. (Louis Wu 01:33:49 UTC)
February 15, 2007 Link to this post Not Forgotten. 4 years ago today, Brian Morden lost his battle with Ewing's Sarcoma. His memory lives on, however, at the Brian Morden Foundation, where efforts continue to be made to beat the disease. Thanks to Sep7imus, who pointed out a Subnova post this morning, showing off a new memorial built for Brian in the MMORPG Second Life. If you're new enough to the Halo community that the name isn't familiar, you can read about him here. (Louis Wu 15:27:24 UTC)
November 7, 2006 Link to this post A Halo Soldier's Legacy The Brian Morden foundation has been featured in the Altoona Mirror. For those of you that weren't around, here is a summary of Brian's association with Bungie and Bungie fans. It's good to see the Angels continue the good fight. Many thanks to Dawn, Brian's mom, for the update. (Ding 16:52:37 UTC)
February 15, 2006 Link to this post Three years ago It was three years ago that a good friend and worthy Bungie/Halo fan, Brian Morden aka ∗Ar-Isildur, passed away after battling Ewing's Sarcoma. The recent passing of That Weasel makes it all the more important to remember just how fragile life can be. Who was Brian Morden? (Ding 07:03:08 UTC)
November 13, 2004 Link to this post Yep, he's in there... Jay Weinland confirmed that Brian Morden lives on in Halo 2 - though we don't know yet what line is his. If you don't know who Brian Morden is, you can search our news, or read this guide at Bungie Sightings. (Louis Wu 17:30:22 UTC)
February 15, 2004 Link to this post We miss you, Ar. A year ago today, one of the best members of the Bungie Fan Community passed away. Please raise a mug of Dwarven Ale in honor of our dear departed friend, Brian Morden aka *Ar-Isildur. (Ding 12:55:44 UTC)
January 12, 2004 Link to this post We love you, Ar. Last year, we said goodbye to a good friend, Brian Morden. Recently, there was a guestbook set up so that people could discuss their memories of Brian. (He would have turned 20 on January 10, 2004.) If you'd like to contribute, simply follow the link! (Tirion, who pointed it out to us, also mentioned that you might want to pay attention to the possibly hard to see checkbox that makes the entry private; if you want others to be able to read your thoughts, be sure this isn't checked.) (Louis Wu 18:25:13 UTC)
May 10, 2003 Link to this post The Love Lives On. An interesting tidbit of off-topic news... SilverBrin has posted a note explaining about the setup of the official Brian Morden Foundation, an organization set up in memory of Brian Morden, better known as *Ar-Isildur around these parts. Visit the links for more information, or to buy one of the cool <3 T-shirts. (Louis Wu 11:07:06 UTC)
March 13, 2003 Link to this post A Tribute to Ar Miguel Chavez has written up a stunning recap of Brian Morden's memorial service last month, over at Bungie Sightings. Read it, if only to see what a relationship primarily built through the internet can generate. (Louis Wu 20:38:19 UTC)
March 11, 2003 Link to this post Blood Gulch Ballet Okay, I'm probably gonna get some flak for this one, because of all the movies we've declined to host recently... but hear me out. Rory Hartley and Bill Copeland put together a movie they called 'Blood Gulch Ballet.' It's three and a half minutes of Blood Gulch gameplay, set to classical music. (I recognize the piece, but can't name it.) It weighs in at 15.4 mb; it's smaller than it was when it was submitted, but I didn't reduce the quality very much. (It wasn't great to begin with.) What tipped the balance for me were three things: - There are some really nice moves in here
- We haven't posted movies recently, so Mythica's not heavily loaded
- It was dedicated to Brian Morden (sue me, I'm sentimental)
Grab the QuickTime-encoded movie at Mythica.org, or the Psyjnir Complex Hotline server. Update: Thanks to Ninja on Fire and Stuntmutt, who both pointed out that the music is Rimsky-Korsakov's 'Flight of the Bumblebee'. (Appropriate, no?) If you're ever in Portland, Oregon, look for Rimsky-Korsakoffee's, the best coffee house in the northwest. (I miss it.) (Louis Wu 16:31:12 UTC)
February 24, 2003 Link to this post More Isi love, plus sketches and such 9 new pieces of non-wallpaper art, including two cool tributes to Brian Morden. There are a couple of other gems in the bunch, as well - check out the Miscellaneous Art section! (Louis Wu 22:01:36 UTC)
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