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Showing results (1628-1636) of 1921
Description: masterchieffinished.jpg
Size: 190K
Screen size: 940x910
Created by Jared Morrison. More by this artist (1635)
Description: mc_scratchboard_2006.jpg
Size: 239K
Screen size: 1024x678
Created by Hobbes-001. "It's a scratchboard of a screenshot from the Halo 3 announcement trailer. A scratchboard is a layer of thin paper, then chalk, then dried ink. The whole caboodle is then compressed. Using a knife tool, the ink is scratched away and it leaves the chalk behind. This takes skill to produce, since if you used a scratchboard to replicate something exactly, it would create a percect negative. This took about ten hours to make, from start to finish." Also available in a larger version (1266x838, 349K). More by this artist (1638)