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Sick of no recognition for me!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ME!!!!!
Posted By: skavenger_s7 Date: 10/23/02 11:08 a.m.

Why all the hype about Frogblast? I mean what has he actually accomplished that I haven't? I was at the bottom of Halo first.......... I was dead, but so what, I was there!

I was the very first person to make an elite die from laughter as he watched me learn how to drive a Warthog on Halo.

I was the first one to kill a grunt a heart attack. (He had a heart attack as all 360 rounds came very close to him without actually striking him... Hey! Getting shot at is VERY scary)

It was me who allowed the POA to explode while still trying to get the Warthog out of its hole and through that F****n door!

Besides, none of you really get some of the finer aspects of the TS part Bungie built in. (so I'll help you a bit!)

  1. When playing TS and you hit your own guy... tell him:
    1. Get out of my way!
    2. I kill EVERYONE!!!
    3. Or say nothing and just stare at them hard. Showing what a real bad as you are!
  2. If you get turned around on a map and are running the wrong way, say this:
    1. You obviously don't know all the secrets and strategies to this style of play do you, you newbie!!!???
    2. I wouldn't have to run this direction if you were doing your job..."partner"...
    3. Or say nothing and just stare at them hard. Showing what a real bad ass you are!
  3. When you appear to be missing at least every other shot when you shoot, say this:
    1. This is called "AAI", or anticipating the artificial Intellect, I hit the guy, and then lead once to each side... you never know which way they will run. It is an advanced strategy to learn and employ without dying!
    2. I was shooting over his shoulder! I killed the guy behind him! The one YOU apparently DIDN"T see!
    3. Or say nothing and just stare at them hard. Showing what a real bad ass you are!

All in all, I feel that I have done as many "firsts" that Frogblast has done, AND have developed as many cool strategies as KORHAL. But unlike our dear friend FB, KORHAL and I are willing to pass them along for the rest of you to become better players.

So I leave you with one last piece of advice, when your friends ask you to leave because they don't understand that you are actually playing on a WAY different level than they are. Or, the store manager asks you to leave the video game section (escorted by security). Just do this following:

  1. With a wide eyed panic look, point to the sky and scream "yellow banshee", when they look (as all do), then run.
  2. Keep mumbling about the elves rising again! They will fear you and let you go.
  3. Tell them "They are SOOOO gonna be banned from the group" once Louis finds out what they have done!
  4. Mention that no earthly jail could possibly hold you! You have a friend KORHAL that can get in and out of ANYWHERE!!!!
  5. Or say nothing and just stare at them hard. Showing what a real bad ass you are!

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