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Fan Fiction

Comments for 'The Rise of a Hero -> Chapter One!'

Snowy Duck
10:46 pm | April 27, 2004
Elysium - Elysium Feilds: Feilds of the Past Gods, Final Resting Place of the Leaders of the World

Something that important shouldn't be mispelled: Elysium Feilds
Nick Kang
9:43 pm | April 27, 2004
I got kinda confused at the beginning when the guy was talking about the Sarge dude getting shot in the face and suddenly he was in the mess hall, but other than that it was okay.

MC's Cousin
8:47 pm | April 27, 2004
So what is up with my name anyway?

Well, when I see somthing in a story that isn't right, I have to let the writer know. It's just my nature. And yes, often times I do just like rubbing it in other people's faces.

Well, sadly, I don't remember that. Most likey it is because I have been here a reletively short time, and if I was here for it, I just don't remember. I have a bad short term memory, and if it isn't hinted at, or used in my thoughts a lot, I don't get anywhere near remembering it. And, ah, you know...what is my FF status anyway? I know I just comment at the present...but doesn't that count for anything?

Signing Off

Solidus Snake
6:23 pm | April 27, 2004
I remember that 'Nosolee, one of the biggest flaming comment page with 103 comments. Ah, the good ole days. But now it sucks, thanks to the n00bs, my newest little lyric poem didn't get posted because there are too many fan fics being posted today. Gah... I hate this...
4:26 pm | April 27, 2004

Anyone who remembers that, is an "origional"
4:19 pm | April 27, 2004
Some origionals are still here...
I hope...
1:05 pm | April 27, 2004
Hail HBO FF!!

2:54 am | April 27, 2004
Your story is a great idea, but lacks detail. If you slow things down a little and explain more of the events it would be a great story

Oh and I'm a newbie, this is my second visit to the site. However, this is one of the best sites on halo FanFic I've been to thus far.
Slayer Boi
2:15 am | April 27, 2004
Hmmmmm I agree with MCC
Also, hunters are kinda easy to kill if you know where to hit them, but still, i think they were killed too easily.and i play halo a lot(don't we all?)and i have seen a marine up against a group of 3 grunts on Assault on the control room. He got his arse kicked, but ur guy get rid of them? i find that a bit hard 2 believe, let alone the elite with the sword. Other than that, it was ok.
A good first attempt. (i still havent made mine)
CoLd BlooDed
1:39 am | April 27, 2004
Oh, and the story was okay, you lacked detail and your dialogue was wrong.

Always search up the series name you are planning to make sure that it hasn't been taken.
CoLd BlooDed
1:35 am | April 27, 2004
To Nick - You're not yet an "original", if that's what you want to call it. But you're not a n00b (or newb) either.

Original isn't the right word, 1337 author is more appropriate. ;)

I had to find this out for myself, you know (and it's going to take you a little while longer until you become more noticed by people). :P
12:34 am | April 27, 2004
Thanks for the comments guys...hey, would anybody be willing to write this series together? Oh, sry for stealing your series title...i didn't know...=(
Nick Kang
12:30 am | April 27, 2004
Am I still a n00b, or am I now an original?

So yeah... MCC took all the comments(why? I love rubbing stuff in peoples' faces!) so uhh...I'll just leave you with this...

It was okay

Okay there we go,

7:39 pm | April 26, 2004
Did ya have to steal my fic name? Search up CovieKilla and you'll notice my series called- Halo 2: Rise of a Hero...Not like anyone has heard of it...its all n00bs in here now...All the originals left....[Dont get me started]
6:27 pm | April 26, 2004
Its a good idea, alebeit random and such. But, with MCC's comments, you might be able to make this into a good series....if MCC didnt take all the comments. I whould have posted something more than this :(
MC's Cousin
2:02 pm | April 26, 2004
WTF is this?! It Sucks Monkey's Balls!

Naw, just foolin'.

Well you had several things off in there. First I must suggest to you this. Read the Halo books (Fall of Reach, The Flood, and First Strike). If you are going for an accurate story, you really need to do this.

A few things to work on:
First- Beautiful SPARTAN woman? You said yourself she was wearing MJOLNIR armor. You know, you can'e see through that. Next time say that had her helmet off.
Second- Join her squad? I don't think so. She wouldn't be so casual with it. And she wound't ask either. She would either tell them, or a superior would. Definetely not that way you put it.
Third- Your dilouge was just plain wrong. Your SPARTAN didn't sound like a soldier at all. Just a civilian. Neither did your Marines, but that was alright, they can talk casually to eachother, especially when one is damaged. Plus, I don't think that SPARTAN would just tell him to take the cast off if he wanted.
Fourth and Finally- Helljumper armor? Nope, unless they were ODSTs, they would not wear the armor (by the way, just wait for THE "Helljumper"; he will push this point [maybe])

Phew, another long-winded comment.

Signing Off

