
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Oh Thirteen Part 2'

CoLd BlooDed
5:27 am | March 28, 2004
Same . . .
4:39 pm | March 27, 2004
I'm still reading . . .
Agent Shade
9:36 pm | March 26, 2004
this was good, but i must question Jonah's cowardice. Spartans are not trained to survive battles by the means of cowering behind a sandbag and shivering with fright. they are warriors, they are the "perfect soldier" and if a comment like that is said to a human, morale goes way down because everyone looks up to Spartans so everything will be better...just something i wanted to point out...again lol

if you are making a comedy out of this, just tell me and i'll back off lol i dont mean any offense, just trying to prove a point, and a possible mistake
