
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Halo from the Flood's Point of View: The Sergeant'

Simpsons Rule
1:21 am | June 9, 2003
Lol scope, there are other references like that through the entire series. Hey, Neo//hack, what was that comment suppose to mean?
3:05 pm | June 8, 2003
Well...that was something...

6:09 pm | June 7, 2003
Ohhhhh now i remember this is the other reclamer that MC found in the book. I think is was like this.

He examined the body. It wasent pretty. THE maries body was so mangle that even the flood couldnt use it.He laid in the middle of spent brass. "ah" said 343. "The other reclamier. His skin was less sutible than yours." Cheif looked at the body and marveled how anyone could make it this far. He took the dog tag and it read Mobuto Marvin,Staff sergent. The MC said "I dont know u sarg but i sure as hell wish I did. You must have been one hard core SOB."

So nice idea to write about the dead guy.
Agent Shade
1:48 pm | June 7, 2003
lmao, great story, scope, as much as spongebob is kool. he doesn't really fit into a Halo environment
2:33 am | June 7, 2003
And we all love grunts
2:31 am | June 7, 2003
Are you sure? Spongebob is pretty cool....
Simpsons Rule
2:24 am | June 7, 2003
Wiley, 9.5 come on ;) I'm glad you guys are enjoying this. To scope- no, definetly not ;) Seriously.
Wiley K.
7:08 pm | June 6, 2003
Nice. 9.5/10
to scope: no
6:39 pm | June 6, 2003
Im thinking about writing a story about a holigrafic Spongbob squarpants meeting a grunt name BoGar. Think I should?
5:04 pm | June 6, 2003
Well, several stories have been done before from a Flood's perspective, if you look WAY back. But still, this one was really good.
10:26 am | June 6, 2003
9/10 Nice story
6:21 am | June 6, 2003
i liked it - it was by far better than any of the other fan fictions... still though it's just a bunch of stuff happening no real plot twists or anything... but maybe I'm expecting too much
5:06 am | June 6, 2003
Great story from the Floods point of view man I can't believe no did this already and you were the first to score great job!
carrier form
1:35 am | June 6, 2003
well another great, deeply enhanced detailed flood story, wow, man this guy has way too much spare time, but i am glad he does!
