
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Prodigal Son: Part 10 (beginning)'

Scott D
4:51 pm | May 19, 2004
OOh grammar lessons huh. Your scathing commentary hurts me deep down. In fact I think I'm going to have to start squirting some tears here. Boo hoo, boo boo hoo.
Not to mention, you forget that quotation marks null and void all standard grammatical practices when attributing the sentences to speech by a person. So eat it.
9:16 pm | May 15, 2004
Meh..Decent story...Read through about half before stopping. Please note; when addressing someone, such as Scott of whatever, you must always place a comma infront of it. For Example:

"Aye aye, Scott." the tech winced.

It needed more things to pull the reader in. Grammatical errors were aplenty, somethings really didnt make sense. I suggest you send your story to someone else for editing other than reading it over yourself. Good luck in the future.
8:24 pm | May 14, 2004
It was just a small mistake. Lovely fic, though.
Scott D
4:12 pm | May 13, 2004
How the hell did I miss "solder?" How? HOW! god I'm embarassed, I didnt edit this nearly well enough before posting. Sorry:(
