
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Pirates: I Only Work for Prophet - A Parcel of Rogues'

Nick Kang
10:23 am | April 13, 2004
Yep, it was a pretty messed up story.

10:33 pm | April 12, 2004
Fifty auto cannon wouldn't really be that much. Now 50 MACs and 2000 Archer Missile pods would. Unless it was a missile frigate, but then it wouldn't have MACs, and there would be very few auto cannon.
Nick Kang
4:37 pm | April 12, 2004
Yeah once on the FF section of another site, there was a story about a fleet of UNSC ships, each ship was a super-cruiser(wtf?) and had like 50 MACs and 2000 Archer missile pods. Along with like fifty autocannons...wtf?
1:19 am | April 12, 2004
Excellent story. I look forwarding to seeing more work by you. I agree with blind_snowman. It kind of makes me not want to read when there is a ship with 20 MAC guns, 8 torpedo turrets, etc. It's just unrealistic.
The Collector
1:42 am | April 11, 2004
Very good their 'cowboy' *clap* *clap* *clap* Very good story indeed. Keep writing. I expect great fics from u ;)
7:46 pm | April 10, 2004
Sorta reminds me of Outlaw Star or Cowboy Bebop, and thats a good thing.

Can't really find anything to complain about..looks like you stumped me....

6:07 pm | April 10, 2004
A little action doesn't hurt, but don't butcher it with action. Like my story. ;)
6:03 pm | April 10, 2004
...It flows beautifully too.
5:45 pm | April 10, 2004
This is going to be an excellent series= 11/10.
This was the only one that I enjoyed reading, BECAUSE it doesn't have action and 80000 Marines with 12 grenades on their belts and warships with 8 MACs. That is SO narrow. It takes skill to make a story that doesn't rely on action to be interesting. Skills like these. Good one dude!
3:43 pm | April 10, 2004
I like where this is going.

New writers should take this as an example that you don't have to have action in the first chapter to necessarily make it interesting.

A good bit of depth takes it a long way.

I see backstabbing on the horizon.
Nick Kang
11:45 am | April 10, 2004
I too liked this story a lot. I also like the character profiles and detail of their clunky ship.
11:29 am | April 10, 2004
WOW!!! I am actually struck! This is fantastic, I loved the depth you've given the characters!
Brilliant, I'm looking out for your name in the next post Ross.
