
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Comments for 'Good vs. Evil: Prelude to a story'

4:08 pm | April 13, 2004
This seemed a lot better when I first wrote it...
look at all the typo's..
I guess thats what you get when your editor is a Swede
11:53 pm | December 29, 2003
I beg to differ Awacar.
The soldiers were going to shoot the Evil MC with Fuel rod cannons remember.

and to answer Hornet34 If you have read the books you would know that the UNSC collects whatever new covenant technology they come across. plus the fact that its four years after HALO'S destruction would mean that the UNSC has an abundant supply of covenant weapons.
11:53 pm | December 29, 2003
I beg to differ Awacar.
if you recall correctly the UNSC soldiers were about to shoot the Evil Master Chief with fuel rod cannons.
and to answer Hornet34's comment... if you have read the books you would know that the UNSC is supposed to collect all new covenant technology.
and since the story does take place 4 years after the destruction of halo that would mean that the amount of covenant technology would be at overabundant levels.
6:20 pm | December 18, 2003
Hornet34, there isn't any described Covie technology at the base, there's just a Plasma sniper rifle that the evil MC carries. From what I can read in this story, the evil MC has joined the Covenant, so wearing a plasma sniper might not be too odd.
Spartan John-117
1:05 am | December 12, 2003
I for one liked it.
this series is good from what I've read so far...
keep up the good work.
Try to add more explosions. The #1 key to any action story is explosions...
9:53 pm | December 9, 2003
Its no big Awacar.
you said so yourself that your english isn't to good.
2:53 am | December 9, 2003
Good choice for a plot line, I'll give you that.
4:03 pm | December 8, 2003
Odd. I'll give you that. And I'm interested in how the good MC and the bad MC will clash. I don't know why the UNSC base had so much Covenant technology, but I guess it was a paralell universe. Putting "prelude to a story" is kind of redundant, because that is what a preluede is.

Otherwise, I'm at a loss for how to comment on this story. Just keep writing, and I'll figure it out as it develops.
3:27 pm | December 8, 2003
Everyone that is going to attack the author for errors, please attack me. He sent it to´me for advises, and I didn't make the best here. Sorry rogue.
